A Guide to Frugal Wedding Planning on a Budget

I recently tuned into a new show airing on cable that looks at the wedding planning process for wealthy couples. Watching the extravagant fabulousness and the expenditure amounts rising ever higher, I was reminded once again that:

1) Extravagant doesn’t always mean better, and

2) Most people do not have those types of resources available when planning their own wedding.

I used frugal wedding planning when I got married last year. If you are like me and can’t afford elephants or diamond encrusted forks at your wedding, here is a simple guide to jumpstart your own frugal wedding planning.

Assess your finances and set a budget

This is your first important step in frugal wedding planning. Sit down with your mate and seriously determine how much you can afford. The amount you want and the amount you can afford may be very different. However, this is a decision you should figure out as a team; the figure must be realistic for both. Once you have set a wedding budget: stick to it. Do not give on this amount no matter how tempted. If you decide to go over budget on one thing, it is only too easy to get carried away and spend much more than you wanted to.

Skip the wedding planner

This is totally up to you, of course. But wedding planners are highly expensive. You have been dreaming about this day since you were six, mapping out your plans in notebooks for years. You also know best what you like, want, and need. You can do all the frugal wedding planning yourself for a fraction of the price.

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Your best resources: family and friends

Don’t forget that you are not alone in this frugal wedding planning. You have family and friends who, more than likely, are dying to help in any way they can. Let them! Designate a task here, a job there, and you will find that the help you get will be invaluable. If you mom can bake a mean cake, your friend is a wondrous seamstress, or the groom’s brother makes a great deejay, put those talents to work in your frugal wedding planning.

The big splurge

If there is one thing you have always wanted, and know you cannot let go – say, the dream dress, a professional deejay, or florist – go ahead and splurge on it, as long as you remain in budget. It would be best to determine this first during frugal wedding planning, so you can budget your other needs accordingly. It also is best to limit yourself to one splurge only.

Make your own invitations

Having wedding invitations made is truly expensive. I recently received a wedding invite from a friend and envied how expensive they looked – only to learn she made them! Believe me when I tell you: you can make equally gorgeous invites yourself! Search the web for resources, hints and tips on making invitations. All you will need is good, colored cardstock, a crafting knife to cut, and some nice stationary. There is just the matter of printing, cutting, embellishing and so on (here’s a good place to put those family resources to use). The amount you will save is amazing.

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Do the decorating and centerpieces yourself

For frugal wedding planning, professional decorators and florists will really eat your budget. Do it yourself and save a lot. Again, search the web for hints and tips. Borrow a book on floral arrangements, and arrange them yourself. Hang your own ribbons or other decorations. One excellent idea: visit low-priced shops (TJMaxx is one I love) or party supply outlets to purchase materials. A few imported soaps you wrap in expensive, colorful paper; candles; stones – anything that suits your fancy and budget.

Take your own photos

This may not work if you are set on professional portraits. But knowing your father, mother-in-law, or brother took photos can make them all the more special. With online digital photo companies, it is now simple to get these photos processed in large or even poster sizes for your home, as well as purchase beautiful memory books and other mementos. Put disposable cameras at every table and have guests capture moments. You will have the photos to remember and laugh over for years to come.

Have the wedding at home

Do you or someone you know have a large yard or home? At-home weddings are all the rage, and can add an intimate, warm feel to your special day. If you get married at church, consider having the reception at home rather than renting a hall. If you don’t have a larger house available, start looking for reception halls early in your frugal wedding planning. They can be hard to book; having more time will give you more choices in available pricing.

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Rent dresses or suits / tuxedos

You could consider renting your own gown, but if you don’t wish to do that, renting gowns and suits for the wedding party is a great step in frugal wedding planning.

Register for cash gifts

In this day and age, it is perfectly acceptable for the bride and groom to register for cash gifts rather than making a gift list. Many couples might do it for a larger purchase (a car, a honeymoon) but you can use it also to help balance out the cost of your wedding.

Last but not least: remember your riches

Throughout your frugal wedding planning, don’t forget the best part of any wedding is the love shared between you and your fiance, family and friends. This is a celebration of a lifelong commitment to the person you love, just the start of the wonderful years to come. Remember that and you will always feel infinitely rich. Congratulations and best wishes!