Diamond Jewelry: Truly Forever

Diamond: a rare exquisite gem that has been immortalized through time. What separates this gem from the rest of the pack is its clarity fused with age-old tradition. Diamond jewelry has been associated with romance, something that represents a long and lasting love. Because it resembles something lasting, diamond jewelries are also some of the one’s most prized and most expensive possessions.

Diamond jewelry is one of the most expensive and considered as the most luxurious of all jewelries. The unique ability of this gem to refract white light (“Diamond”) makes diamond jewelries as the most sought after jewelry prices in the market. Diamond jewelries are traditionally associated with engagements, as men carefully pick the right engagement ring for the woman they love. This is why a diamond jewelry store, such as De Beers, capitalized on this practice, by launching an ad campaign in the early 1900s (“Diamond”), permanently fixating diamond jewelry as the most popular engagement ring of since then.

There are four attributes which grades the quality of a diamond. These are: (1) cut; (2) carats; (3) color; and (4) clarity (“Diamond”). Established as the four C’s, these attributes are used to gauge the quality of a diamond. The word “cut,” when referred to a diamond, does not pertain to the gem’s shape (Wickell). Rather, such term refers to the symmetry in arrangement of a diamond in all facets, which alters the shape and the form of the diamond. A carat of a diamond stone, which is often confused with cut, pertains to the weight of a diamond crystal (“Diamond”). The color, on the other hand, refers to the color grade of the stone, which may vary, are determined by comparing these to a previously selected colorless diamond. Clarity determines the flawlessness or the lack of it, of the internal parts of a diamond stone. There are several factors that can affect the clarity of a diamond stone, such as the size or the color (“Diamond”).

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While diamond jewelry primarily refers to engagement rings, the jewelry choices for this gem are quite eclectic. In fact, other jewelries such as earrings, necklaces, brooches, pendants, and anklets are a few items which have become famous accessories which are incorporated with diamonds. Some clients would prefer accentuating their body with diamonds which is why they resort to custom diamond jewelry. Diamonds are usually set in gold. Recent trends, however, have included platinum diamond jewelry.

As was mentioned earlier, diamond jewelry has created a huge phenomenon throughout the world which is why many businesses have banked on this market. Diamond jewelry has spanned the world market, to the extent that such jewelry has been showcased from designer runways to the local markets. Those with sophisticated taste prefer designer diamond jewelry which can cost a considerable fortune although fine diamond jewelry can be afforded at local stores. Because diamond jewelry is exquisite, the value for this kind of accessory may cost a fortune. Purchasing wholesale diamond jewelry can increase one’s chances of getting it at a lower price. But when searched in the right places, discount diamond jewelry can be availed of on retail. Where to look for the right store depends on one’s budget and time frame to choose it. But it is important to first examine the attributes of the diamond jewelry before deciding to buy it.