A General Overview of the Blood Type Diet, and Does it Work?

The blood type diet is completely and absolutely one of the best diet and exercise programs I have ever tried. The blood type diet is not just a diet, but is actually a way of changing your lifestyle and eating habits towards a healthier you.

Some of the benefits of practicing the blood type diet program on a regular basis are, weight loss, boosted energy levels, relief of the symptoms of GERD, and relief of constipation and bloating. Before starting the blood type diet on 9/11 of this year, I suffered daily from the dreaded disease of GERD. Excruciating pain and sleepless nights filled my ever existence on a daily basis. Some of the medical treatments I have tried with no lasting results have consisted of many different drugs, including Prilosec, Nexium, and several over the counter medications on a regular basis for many years to treat frequent heartburn. However, by eating towards my blood type I have been able to eliminate the symptoms of GERD from my life, and lose an extreme amount of body fat.

A friend of mine told me about the blood type diet, and even suggested a book written about the diet for me. The book is by Joseph Christiano, and titled, Blood Types, Body Types, and You. My friend Dan has personally been following this diet for about four years, and has to date lost about fifty-two pounds. Dan, also suffered from GERD and frequent headaches, and since his lifestyle change, has also been able to eliminate these complications from his life by eating towards his blood type.

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Both my friend Dan and I are blood type O. Joseph explains in the book how the blood type O individual has an extremely elevated balance of acids in their stomachs, but with a few changes in eating habits can eradicate and balance strong stomach acids by consuming foods recommended for your blood type.

One of the first lessons learned from reading the book on the blood type diet, is the rule of instinctive eating. Instinctive eating is theoretically eating different type foods,and discovering how the particular food makes you feel. As explained in the book every person is somewhat different and all diverse people of different blood types react to different types of food differently. An example easy to understand, suppose we all have had Thanksgiving dinner, some of us will feel very drowsy after consumption of dinner, and the other half us feels magnificent without any type of ill effects.

Some of the foods suggested to refrain from by Joseph Christiano for the blood type O individual; dairy products, whole grain breads, pork, and potatoes. I also have eliminated soft drinks, such as Cokes and other acidity drinks. Joseph will educate you through the book and will enlighten you to the reasons why distinctive eating will lead you on a passageway of healing and to improved physical well being. Joseph suggests keeping a food journal of the different types of foods consumed on a daily basis, and in the journal explain how the different foods make you feel.

Joseph does not just stop at educating on the importance of what we should consume towards better health, but he shows you how to create a healthier body through exercise. He explains how all of us have different body compositions, and how with centralized exercises taught in the book, we can actually change the shape of our bodies.

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So does the Blood Type Diet actually work? I have found from my experience it does, and by following the simple to read charts listed in Josephs Christiano’s book, we can actually eat towards a healthier body, and to exercise for a shapelier physique. What do you have to lose but the additional weight?
