6 Jobs for Senior Citizens

Jobs are the topic of the day as we try desperately to work our way out of the recession. But as of May 2010, Jobs statistics show only 20,000 jobs were added in April 2010. It’s a dire scenario and if you are over 50 it’s nearly impossible to find employment. That is why it’s important for senior citizens to go after jobs they are best suited for in this wacky world of high unemployment.

Advertising Sales
My wife owns a small business and she advertises in several newspapers and coupon books. She always picks the seniors that are selling advertisements. Why? Because they seem to have a good grasp for the value proposition they offer, honesty and they are never pushy.

Consequently she has good advertising that pays. Bottom line- advertising sales jobs that younger people really don’t want seniors tend to like and enjoy. Pay range is $14,000- $24,000 annually.

Veterinary Assistant
If you have experience in the world of veterinary medicine or you just like animals then this is an excellent choice for seniors. Vets tend to like seniors because of their work effort, responsible attitudes and eye for detail.

Seniors tend to bond with animals and see them in the same stage of life so they are very sympathetic to their needs. Pay range is $12,000- $18,000.

If you have the knowledge coupled with experience this area is begging for help and seniors are the preferred employee in this position. Why? Honesty. It has become increasingly hard to fill these positions of financial responsibility for small business because of moral concerns. But senior citizens have that air of trust and are usually well versed in finances.

See also  How to Get a Job Fast in This Market

Pay range $18,000- $28,000

There is lots of opportunity for seniors as bakers because they know how to cook and baking well comes with feel and experience. Just on the street that my wife has her shop I can think of five small businesses that need experienced bakers. They need bread, pies, entrĂ©e’s and more that take experienced bakers.

Small Engine Mechanics
There are landscapers and gardeners everywhere and the local lawnmower shops are packed with waiting times of one to two months on average because they can’t find mechanics who understand the intricacies of small engines. Seniors tend to understand the ins and outs of small engine repairs including the creativity it takes on older models.

Pay range $15,000- $18,000

Insurance Sales
If there was ever a job custom built for seniors insurance is it. Everything from Medi-Gap, Death Insurance or just plain Long-term Care Insurance seniors want to talk with other seniors who understand their needs and wants first hand. This is probably the most lucrative of the six jobs listed because full time agents can make six figure incomes if industrious.

Pay range is $30,000- $100,000 or more.

There we have 6 jobs for senior citizens that can help them through tough times and keep them active for the rest of their lives.