How to Get Unemployment Benefits in California

California has an unemployment rate of 11.2% as of March 2009, and the odds are good that it might hit 11.7%, a number not seen since January of 1941. This guide to filing for unemployment benefits in CA will steer you through the maze of staying solvent, show you how to get unemployment benefits in California fast, and warn you of pitfalls.

Who is Eligible for Unemployment Benefits in California?

Employees who, through no fault of their own, lost their jobs are eligible to apply for unemployment benefits in California. It is interesting to note that unemployment insurance is also available to those whose hours have been drastically reduced for the foreseeable future. Unemployment benefits in California are open to workers who are physically healthy, on the job search, and willing to work.

Caveat: Learning how to get unemployment benefits in CA will not help you if you were dismissed from your job for cause, such as theft, drug use, embezzlement or violations of health codes or company procedures.

Who is Ineligible for Unemployment Benefits in California?

Although ineligibility is a gray area, there are some employees who are not eligible to file for unemployment benefits in California. For example, if you worked in a family owned business and lose your job – i.e. if you are parent employed by a grown child or a husband employed by a spouse – you may not be eligible. Commission only sales personnel may also fall into the gray area of unemployment benefits in CA.

When Should I File for Unemployment Benefits in California?

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File for unemployment benefits in California as soon as you are let go from your job. There is a one week waiting period after your claim for benefits is filed, during which you are not eligible for remuneration.

Caveat: The longer you wait the longer the lag time between your last paycheck and your scheduled unemployment benefits.

How to Get Unemployment Benefits in California: Full Disclosure

When applying for unemployment benefits in California, be prepared to offer a lot of information and explanations. You must state – and provide proof of – your name, social security number, driver’s license or California ID number, alien registration number (if applicable), birth date, address, and phone number.

In addition, when you peruse the paperwork involved in learning how to get unemployment benefits in CA, you will notice that you are also required to give your last employer’s contact information, the last day of active employment, and the reason why you lost the job. The unemployment office requires a record of your employment history for the least 18 months.

Caveat: Don’t fudge! If you fail to dot your “I” and cross your “T,” the penalty is continued disqualification from unemployment benefits in California for up to 23 weeks. Moreover, if your offense is sufficiently egregious, you may be subject to felony criminal prosecution, fines, and a disqualification from California unemployment benefits – in some cases – for up to 52 weeks.

How to Get Unemployment Benefits in California: Filling for Unemployment Benefits in CA

Log on to the Employment Development Department (EDD) website and follow the online prompts. There is also a listing of all the forms needed to proceed. If you require help or more information on how to get unemployment benefits in California, you may dial 1-800-300-5616.

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Spanish speaking workers filing for unemployment benefits in CA may dial 1-800-326-8937 for help in Spanish. Other languages supported are Cantonese (1-800-547-3506), Vietnamese (1-800-547-2058) and Mandarin (1-866-303-0706).

After you have been approved for unemployment benefits in CA, you are required to re-file weekly claims to prove that you are still eligible for the continued benefits.

Caveat: If you call the EDD for assistance with how to get unemployment benefits in California, be prepared for long hold times. The phones are manned during regular office hours, and the EDD advises that Mondays and Tuesdays are by far the days with the longest hold times.

How Much Money Will Unemployment Benefits in California Pay Me?

As you fill out the paperwork and learn how to get unemployment benefits in California, you will notice that the EDD wants to get baseline information of your income earned over the last 12 months. Based on the income you had, you may receive a weekly minimum benefit of $40 up to a weekly maximum of $450.

To qualify for the weekly $40 payment, the wages you were paid in the highest three months period of employment must total $900. Conversely, if you are hoping to get the weekly payment of $450 unemployment benefits in CA, your highest quarter income must total more than $11,674.

Caveat: Conscientiously look for work as soon as you lose your job. Unemployment benefits in California are not sufficient to maintain your standard of living. Moreover, if you receive a pension payment or owe child support, your unemployment benefit may be decreased.

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