5 Ways to Prevent Dandruff

Just about everyone has to deal with dandruff at some point in their lives. According to Duke University’s Campus Barber, dandruff can strike any time after puberty, because that’s when your body begins to produce the necessary hormones for dandruff to thrive. Thankfully, you can prevent dandruff before it begins. Dr. Marta Rendon, the founder and medical director of the Dermatology & Aesthetic Center in Boca Raton, Fla., and the Global Celebrity Dermatologist for Head & Shoulders, weighs in with advice.

1. Wash your hair.

It sounds like a no-brainer, but a lot of dandruff is caused by bad hygiene. According to Dr. Rendon, men worried about dandruff should wash hair frequently because, “It cleans hair, invigorates follicles, reduces excessive sebum buildup that can lead to dandruff flakes, and prevents excess cells from accumulating on the scalp.” So, the next time you think about skipping your morning shower, consider your scalp first.

2. Use an anti-dandruff shampoo.

If you’ve already got a dandruff problem or have had bouts of dandruff in the past, a regular shampoo might not be enough to prevent dandruff from returning. When choosing a dandruff shampoo, Dr. Rendon says it’s important to “ensure the ingredients selenium sulfide and zinc pyrithione are present.”

A regular bottle of Head & Shoulders should do the trick, but if your dandruff is persistent, a dermatologist can prescribe something stronger. Also, if you have thinning hair, a dermatologist can determine the cause of your hair loss and possibly provide treatment.

3. Take care of yourself.

Poor diet and nutrition get blamed for just about everything that can go wrong with your body, and dandruff is no exception. If you’re serious about preventing dandruff, a few lifestyle changes might be in order. Wisegeek states that a diet deficient in B-complex vitamins or omega-3 fatty acids can cause dandruff.

See also  What to Do About Dandruff

Dr. Rendon agrees. She adds, “Proper nutrition and exercise are two of the most important things you can do for your health and should be part of a comprehensive plan to combat any health problem.”

4. Go easy on the products.

If you put a lot of junk in your hair, you’re going to have a lot of junk on your scalp. Styling product buildup leads to dandruff because “all styling products, from gels to sprays, will contribute to the buildup of oil on your scalp,” says Dr. Rendon. In addition, chemicals from hair dye and heat from blow dryers can also dry out your scalp and cause unsightly flakes.

5. Avoid sun exposure

When a sunburn peels, dead skin comes off in white flakes. If you’re trying to prevent dandruff, protecting yourself from sunburns should be a top priority. Avoid sunburns by only spending a minimal amount of time outdoors and protect the skin by using sufficient sunscreens,” Dr. Rendon advises. You can also keep a baseball hat by the lawnmower or in the tackle box to remind yourself to cover up.

Though sun exposure is bad, dandruff, which is a mild form of eczema, may be treated or prevented with phototherapy. According to Dr. Warwick L. Morison, treating eczema patients with ultraviolet A light produces success in 75 to 90 percent of patients, depending on the type of eczema.