5 Natural Ways of Controlling Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease caused by high blood sugar (glucose) level either because there is insufficient production of insulin in human body or the body cells is unable to use the available glucose in the blood stream. As a result of this, the food intake cannot be effectively converted to energy. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas that allows body cells to absorb glucose and turn it to energy.

Diabetes can affect anyone and more people are being diagnosed everyday regardless of age or gender. Statistics has shown that over 20million people in United States alone have diabetes and the number is still increasing.

There are basically 3 different types of diabetes

1, Type 1 diabetes -(also known as Insulin dependent diabetes)

-This occur when the body does not produce insulin, whereby requiring to inject insulin in other to reduce the glucose in the blood. This type of diabetes is referred to as early-onset diabetes because it usually occur before the age of 40 and sometimes in teenagers. This occurs in only 5-15% of all diabetics patients.

2, Type 2 diabetes – Here the problem is resistance to insulin rather than insufficient insulin and as a result the body cells are not able to function properly. It is generally caused by overweight, poor diet and lack of exercise. Also age and hereditary factors are often associated with this type of diabetes which accounts for more than 85% of all diabetes patients.

3, Gestational diabetes – This is prominent among pregnant women and it can be attributed to the fact that their body has less ability to produce enough insulin to meet the extra needs of pregnancy. The risk rate is more among women from Africa, African-American, African-Caribbean, Asian-American and Hispanics compared with the Caucasian women. In all, it occurs only in about 5% of all pregnancies and tends to disappear once the pregnancy is over.

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Signs of Diabetes

a, Frequent Urination

b, Fatigue and tiredness

c, Blurred vision

d, Irritability

e, Exceptional weight gain in women

f, Abnormal weight loss

g, Numbness in hands and feet

h, Increase in appetite

I, Slow healing of wounds

j, Excessive thirst

Natural control of Diabetes

As we all know, diabetes without proper treatment can cause many complications and as a result of this, adequate control of diabetes is very important. But on this article we shall focus mainly on 5 natural controls.

1, Regular Exercise – This is the 1st control I would recommend and it should be noted that regular exercise help to burn off most of the piled up calories and keep your blood sugar level in control. The patient can start this today (depending on when you are reading) by taking a walk of at least 2km daily.

2, Daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables – Your 5 a day fruits and vegetables which was recommended by W.H.O should include at least 3 of the following: grapefruit, papaya, apple, goose berry, carrot, orange at anytime of the day and they should be spread to avoid sudden rise in blood sugar level. Eating lot of fruits daily promote good health on its own.

3,Good diet – We all know that good diet plays a long way in maintaining a good healthy living. As a result of this the patient should be familiar with what to eat and what to avoid at all times.( see your doctor for more advice, as this varies from patient to patient) Also it should be noted that every diabetic patient needs to regulate their meal times daily to avoid any diet related complications.

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4,Avoid Consumption of sugar – Diabetic patients stand the risk of increased infections and long term complications if the level of glucose in their blood is not regulated. Therefore it is very important to reduce the blood sugar level (glucose) in the body, by avoiding consumption of the following: potatoes, sweets, soft drinks, cakes, chocolates, cookies, cereals, pasta and juices.

5, Avoid fatty foods – To further control diabetes naturally you have to avoid consuming fried food, chips, fat cheese, sausages and butter.

In case you need more advice on either natural or medical ways of controlling diabetes visit http://www.triumphmedicalcenter.net or e mail – [email protected]