How to Heal Wounds Naturally

I usually rely on old fashioned common sense to heal wounds naturally. When it comes to natural healing, sometimes the simplest tips are the best. Most people like to use items they already have on hand, rather than shopping for special formulas. Thankfully, you can heal wounds naturally without a lot of fuss, unless they have become infected. Here are some nutritional and topical tips that will help naturally speed up the process of healing wounds.

Use Plain Water

Topical wound treatment always involves cleansing as a first step. When washing an open wound, it’s best to use plain water. Strong solutions or herbs can sting the wound and promote infection. Flush dirt and debris out of a wound immediately after injury to prevent infection. Eliminating germs at the outset can prevent further need of sterilization.

Apply Pressure to Stop Bleeding

If the wound is bleeding the best way to stop the flow of blood naturally is by applying pressure. Do this only until the bleeding stops. You can also hold the wound over your head to make blood flow difficult. Avoid using pressure for a long period of time. This can interfere with blood circulation. If the bleeding does not stop within a few minutes or blood is pulsing from the wound, seek immediate medical attention.

Once the Bleeding Has Stopped

Honey is an excellent topical natural wound healer. Chances are, you have some in your kitchen cabinet. It can be spread on the wound as a natural healing salve. It won’t sting, but it does have antiseptic properties to naturally heal wounds faster. Apple cider vinegar is another natural topical antiseptic. It should only be used on closed wounds, due to irritation and stinging.

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Step Into the Light

Vitamin D is a necessary component to healing, especially healing the skin. Getting 10-15 minutes of sunlight each day helps your body produce the Vitamin D it needs to heal a wound. Some traditional wound care includes the use of light therapy as a natural healing treatment. Sessions involve exposure to a special infrared light for a few minutes at a time.

Watch Your Diet

Junk food often contains ingredients that slow the healing process, by inhibiting proper growth of cells. Eat a diet high in antioxidants (lots of brightly colored fruits and vegetables) and lean protein to promote natural healing. Zinc is also a key player in natural wound healing. In short, a natural healing diet contains all the healthy foods you should be eating on a daily basis anyway. Combining topical wound healing tips with a healthy diet should naturally speed up the wound healing process.

Please Note: The author is not a licensed medical professional. This article is for general information purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or care.

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