5 Alternative Treatments for Ulcers

Ulcers are something that affect many people in the United States each year, and most of the time the treatments require strong medications or surgery. If you are looking for an alternative treatment for your ulcers, you should check into some vitamins and herbs as well as different dietary changes.

Green bananas are one of the most common natural remedies to help treat symptoms related to ulcers. Green bananas are great because they help reduce the enzymes and harmful effects of stomach and gastric contents. If you want to have an alternative to medications, try eating more green bananas to help ease the symptoms of ulcers because it calms the stomach down, and for added treatment you can add honey onto your banana.

Changing your diet can also help with ulcers and can be used as an alternative treatment for the ulcers. Many times ulcers that happen in the stomach form from spicy foods or food allergens and changing your diet can help eliminate many of the ulcers and ulcer symptoms. Ulcers can be treated by changing your eating habits, and by eating more fruits and vegetables and staying away from spicy foods or irritating foods you can help promote the healing of the ulcers. Diet changes should always be consulted with your doctor due to safety concerns as well as concerns over the foods and how they will benefit you. You do not want to try to help treat your ulcers with antacids because they can take away the essential nutrients you need in your stomach and can reverse the benefits of any treatments of the ulcers.

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If you have ulcers you can also try to stop smoking as an alternative treatment. Smoking can harm the lungs, throat, and stomach lining which can irritate the ulcers and make the ulcers more severe and more painful. Stopping smoking can help ease the symptoms of the ulcers and can help regain the lining of the stomach which will also help in repairing the stomach. Smoking does not only harm your throat and lungs, but also makes your blood vessels tighter which can harm in cell reproduction as well as harm your healing progress. By stopping smoking and stopping other tobacco related products you can help speed up the healing of your ulcers and you can also help stop the irritation to the stomach lining.

Another great option and alternative treatment for dealing with ulcers is to help reduce stress by doing yoga and meditation exercises. Eliminating ulcers is also tied to eliminating a lot of stress in your life, because stresses can make you have ulcers and can also make the ulcers more severe. By eliminating stresses in your life using meditation and yoga you will help promote healing within your stomach and help the ulcers heal which will ease your symptoms of the ulcers. Yoga, meditation, exercises, and many other stress-relieving activities are vital to people who have ulcers, and it is important to know what activities help you manage your stresses. You can get on the Internet and look up different exercises or yoga poses to start doing, or you can join a meditation or yoga class to take a few times a week to help you reduce the stress in your life, and doing this will help ease and help you better manage your ulcer symptoms.

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Raw cabbage juices, which are high in glutanic juices can also be a good alternative treatment for people with ulcers. The raw cabbage juices help promote healing ulcers, and can soothe symptoms of ulcers. Any type of vegetables or raw foods that contain the glutanic juices will help soothe and ease the symptoms of the ulcers. You can use the raw cabbage juices about one quart per day and divided into amounts which will help maintain the proper stomach acids and help rid the stomach of the harmful gastric juices.