Heartworms ~ Symptoms and Treatment Options

~~ Symptoms ~~

Everything can be great one day and the next day you may take your dog to the vet and find out that your dog tested positive for heartworms. Your dog will not have symptoms in the beginning. The symptoms start when the heartworms are in the advanced stages. Symptoms may include: lack of energy, a dry cough, loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, labored breathing and shortness of breath. If your dog has a heavy infestation of heartworms there may be some swelling of the lungs, kidney, liver or heart damage. Learning everything that you possibly can about traditional and alternative treatments can help you decide what treatment you will choose for your dog.

~~ Traditional Treatment vs Alternative Treatment ~~

~~ Traditional Treatment ~~

Before treating traditionally be sure that your dog can be kept in an area that is less than 75 degrees Fahrenheit for six to eight weeks following treatment. It is also important that the dog be kept as still as possible during that time as well. Learning more information about Immiticide can help you decide which treatment method might work best for your dog.

Wendy C Brooks, DVM states “There are several strategies that can be used depending on the dog’s medical condition including the option of not treating at all. The important concept to realize is that harsh arsenic-based drugs are necessary to kill adult heartworms and that treating for heartworm infection is neither simple nor safe in itself.” After treatment the veterinarian will usually advise pet owners to keep dogs quiet for 6 to 8 weeks.

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~~ Alternative Treatment ~~

Herbalists will argue that the arsenic based drugs are not necessary to kill the adult heartworms. I personally know a little more about the alternative treatment because one of the dogs that I rescued tested positive for heartworms at her first appointment with my veterinarian. I was not able to afford the treatment. There was no way I could take her back to the shelter because they would have killed her, so I started searching for information on the internet. The treatment I decided to try focused on getting the heart in good health as well as getting the worms out of the body.

Natural treatment takes much longer, but the dangers are not as high as with traditional treatment. If you are considering using alternative treatment this information might help get you started. There are herb doctors that will help guide you in making the best choices for your dog. The herbalists in my area do not charge for the visit. They make their money from the herbs that you purchase from them.

CoQ10 ~ Numerous studies suggest that Co-Q10 may be beneficial in supporting the cardiovascular system. CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant and can offset damage caused by free radicals. The scientific evidence regarding CoQ10 supplementation and heart health is impressive.

Artemisia/wormwood is a bitter herb that creates an unfavorable environment for parasites. Historically wormwood has been used as an intestinal cleanser and a medicinal herb.

Black Walnut is famous for it’s cleansing properties and is often used to support the body’s defenses against parasites.

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I had my dog tested about six months into the treatment and she was still positive. I had another test a little more than a year after I started using herbs for her treatment and she was negative. I now use black walnut for all three of my dogs as a preventative.

Poor diet is one of the biggest reasons for illness and it is something that is so easy to do. Over vaccinating and extended use of chemicals will also make your dog a perfect host for diseases. We all know if the immune system is down the body has a hard time fighting off disease. Consider looking into your dog’s diet to see what changes you might be able to make to help prevent your dog from harmful diseases.

Getting your dog tested for heartworms at least once a year is important, even if you use a preventative. Watch for the symptoms and give preventatives, whether it be traditional or alternative. We have to look out for our fur kids, they depend on us to care for them like we depend on them to be our loyal friend.