10 Beauty Tips for Hair

Most women are interested in hair care and are looking for easy beauty tricks and beauty tips for hair. However, many women have very busy lives and trying to find the best beauty tips and beauty tricks is time consuming in itself. The following 10 beauty tips for your hair are easy, simple and work really well.

Everyday Beauty Tips for Hair:

Classy Chignon. Instead of the casual pony tail, how about making a low pony tail at the nape of your neck, proceed to twist the pony tail into a beautiful chignon and pin the hair secure with bobby pins. This is one of the fastest beauty tricks to give your hair and elegant and classy look.

Use a leave in moisturizer. One of the top beauty tips for hair that I swear by is using a leave in moisturizer for hair however I do not use it in the summer or warmer months. A product that I personally really like is called Goldwell Moisture Definition leave in serum. The product claims it provides intensive instant care for dry and damaged hair but I love the way my hair feels so soft, shiny and moisturized when I use it. It is also reasonably priced for about $6.50 for a 0.6 oz bottle.

Rinse with apple cider vinegar. Instead of spending a ton of money on a clarifying shampoo, try one of the best beauty tips around and rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar which is very low cost at your local grocery store and your hair will have a beautiful shine.

Stop static in your hair. Probably one of the best beauty tricks I was ever told was from my hairdresser, she told me a way to get rid of the static from the hair fast is to gently run a dryer sheet over your hair. I tried it and it worked like a charm, I carry a baggy with a couple dryer sheets in my purse in case I need to do a quick static removal job on my hair. The other option that I have tried and it works is rubbing the dryer sheet on my brush and comb.

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Keep the curls. Many times when I have curled my hair, it has gone flat by the time I walk out the door. However I have learned some beauty tips for hair curling that have been very successful for me. First, try curling hair when it is not just washed, I shampoo my hair every other day and on the second day when it is a little dirty, my hair seems to curl better. Also, when I take smaller sections of hair and spray the sections with hair spray first before curling also seems to help hold the curl better and longer.

Get shiny hair. Shampoo and condition your hair as usual and after all the conditioner is rinsed out, finish up with a cool water rinse. The beauty trick is the cool water as it causes the cuticles of the hair to close and tighten against the shaft of the hair, this process makes the hair shiny and gives the hair strength.

Get smooth hair. Make sure to always point the blow dryer down the hair shaft so that the hair cuticle will be smoothed down. When you blow dry in the opposite direction of the hair shaft, it can cause the hair cuticles to become rough which causes dullness and makes the hair frizzy. Use cool air at the very end of the blow drying process to help tighten the cuticle of the hair.

Home remedy conditioner. If you do not have time to run to the store and buy a deep hair conditioner or if your favorite deep conditioner runs out and you were not expecting it, try mayonnaise. Rub the mayonnaise in your hair, wrap your head with a plastic wrap and allow it to penetrate for a few hours. If you are able to tolerate leaving the mayonnaise in your hair all night while sleeping, that is a great way to give your hair a deep condition. In the morning, wash and style your hair as usual. The mayonnaise helps to make for beautiful shiny hair.

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Drink water. We sometimes forget that our outside health comes from the inside body health and drinking lots of water is part of maintaining good healthy functions. Yes, drinking water helps to give you healthy hair and is a part of your hair care regime.

Get regular hair trims. Yes, I know that a hair trim is not a beauty trick but I think it is an excellent beauty tip that many of us do abide by. Getting those regular hair trims helps to get rid of split ends and when you do not have split ends, your hair looks and feels healthier plus it has a smoother appearance which means shinier and healthier hair.

Hair care is an important part of a women’s daily routine but it does not have to cost a fortune nor does it have to be time consuming. Following these easy and simple beauty tips for hair will give you a beautiful and bouncy mane of hair!

