Zedge – Free Android Ringtones and Wallpaper

Application : Zedge
Price : Free
Ads : Yes by AdMob
Function : Ringtones and Wallpaper
Developer : IDT Corporation (NYSE:IDT)
Location : Trondheim, Norway and New York, USA

After I got my Virgin Mobile Samsung Intercept I was looking to get some ringtones, Virgin Mobile offers ringtones for $2.50 each but I thought that was ridiculously overpriced considering ringtones are only 30 seconds long and on iTunes you can buy a full song for $1.

So I started looking to get some free ringtones, at first what I did was search the internet on my desktop to find free ringtones but there are many deceptive websites that will sign you up for monthly fees if you want to download ringtones, as you have to send a Text message to a particular phone no. and by doing that you are pretty much accepting their terms and conditions to have a new monthly fee added. Fortunately I have a prepaid phone so I am not affected by this, but it could be difficult to resolve if you are a contract.

After alot of internet searching I found my answer Zedge, it is a free ad-supported app that you can download onto your phone and from there you can browse their user generated wallpaper and ringtones. Some of the ringtones appear to based on popular songs that will cost you $2+ to download elsewhere, so by using Zedge you can save yourself alot of money.


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