Zap Smoking Habit with Auriculotherapy

Smoking has become increasingly unacceptable in todays society. Hotels rarely have more than one floor of smoking rooms now. Most restaurants are going smoke free. In some states casinos are banning smoking. Even casual smokers are looking for new ways to rid themselves of this nasty habit. Auriculotherapy isn’t exactly new, it’s been proved to be an effective tool for those that are serious about ridding themselves of the addiction. If you’ve been trying to quit for some time now and never tried Auriculotherapy, it just might be for you !

Auriculotherapy sessions are available through private practice and also through many community programs. Although it’s most often used as a tool to aid in smoking cessation, it’s also commonly used to aid in weight loss. Many people that give up tobacco complain of weight gain but with Auriculotherapy both issues can be addressed. The typical session involves an initial consultation with the addict. At that time a date will be picked as a stop date and the addict will be instructed to be sure to be well hydrated on the day of their appointment. They are also instructed to quit smoking at least one hour prior to the appointment. The appointment itself is usually no longer than a half hour. Your ear will be poked and prodded and zapped with an electric current.

The ” zap ” is relatively painless. The feeling could be compared to the sensation felt if you press the tip of your tongue to a nine volt battery. The process itself releases your natural endorphins that ease the withdrawal symptoms. The current sends a signal to your brain to release natural endorphins and the endorphins aid in easing the negative side effects of nicotine withdrawal. While it’s not a fast cure or miracle, it is one tool that when used along with some common sense can be very effective. Many people that have tried other ways to get over their nicotine addiction have had success with auriculotherapy.

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Smokers will be encouraged to eat properly and excessive. They’re often supplied with a list of foods and juices that will help them rid themselves of toxins already in their system. They’ll be given advice on how to avoid temptations and how to connect with people that are already smoke free. They’ll also be encouraged to take up new hobbies and new routines to break away from present cycles. Most clinics offer a support line phone number for patients to call if they feel the craving returning. All are highly encouraged to take advantage of any support systems offered to overcome this addictions.

The costs of auriculotherapy sessions vary and if you’re on a tight budget I’d suggest looking in community education bulletins for the service. Private practices can be very pricey for the same service. Many city schools now offer it as a part of their Adult Education Program but often there is a longer wait to get an appointment. Some hospitals and health care facilities offer sessions on a weekly or monthly schedule at reduced rates.

While many people quit after only one treatment, often others need at least two to three sessions. When more than one session is needed they are most often spaced three days to one week apart. The price of the whole process rarely exceeds the costs of a couple months cigarette supply. I would advise anyone to give it a try. The price is affordable and the benefit could be priceless. What have you got to lose besides a nasty habit that costs too much and keeps you from being the healthy person you could be?!

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Good luck and good lungs!