Yohimbe: An Herbal Aphrodisiac that Produces Erection

Yohimbe is the name of the bark of a tall evergreen tree in western Africa known as Pausinystalia yohimbe or Corynanthe yohimbe. Yohimbe bark has been used for centuries in some western African nations for sexual enhancement. For centuries, natives from these areas have ingested both the crude bark and purified compound as a tonic to enhance sexual prowess and as an aphrodisiac. The bark has been smoked as a hallucinogen and has been used in traditional medicine to treat angina and hypertension. The herb is a sensual stimulant for healthy men and women.

Yohimbe’s energizing effects stem from its ability to increase blood flow to the genitals, both male and female. It is thought to stimulate the pelvic nerve ganglia and thus is helpful for men with erection problems. Recent studies suggest the drug may be effective in the treatment of male impotence especially that associated with diabetes. In fact the prescription drug, yohimbine hydrochloride, is approved by the FDA for treating impotence. Effects can include increased libido, increased sensation and increased stamina. Women have also reported similar effects and general pleasant sensations.

When buying yohimbe, try to get pure pharmaceutical yohimbine rather than a product that just uses yohimbe bark. With yohimbine tablets manufactured in a proper pharmaceutical laboratory, you can exactly dose your intake of the active ingredient. On the other hand, with a yohimbe bark product, you’ll always keep on guessing: how much yohimbe do you get? Unfortunately, the yohimbine content isn’t even consistent between production batches of one and the same brand. For this reason, if you want to use the active ingredient of yohimbe bark for sexual enhancement, then look for yohimbine tablets, NOT for yohimbe capsules. The active ingredient uses the ending -bine, while the bark name ends with -be. With the refined alkaloid, yohimbine, you also avoid unpleasant side effects, such as headache, but most importantly, if you buy yohimbine, you know that you get a product that works for sexual enhancement. Ninety percent of the yohimbe bark products are entirely worthless because they contain almost no yohimbine.

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Yohimbe may be used either daily or before planned sexual activity. Since yohimbe works quite quickly, it makes sense that it be taken as needed one to three hours before planned sexual activity rather than taken daily. The effects last several hours. Don’t take yohimbe close to bedtime since it can have a stimulant and alertness causing effect for several hours. Also, don’t mix yohimbe with alcohol or stimulant drugs, including high doses of caffeine.

Yohimbe should be used cautiously by anyone with a medical condition, particularly those with unstable hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, or those taking medicines, particularly tranquilizers, antidepressants, sedatives, antihistamines, amphetamines and other stimulants, including caffeine and herbal stimulants such as ginseng. Some of the side effects of high doses of yohimbe include anxiety, changes in blood pressure, heart rate increase, palpitations, dizziness, headache, visual disturbances, nausea or abdominal cramps, increased body temperature and sweating. As with many herbs or medicines, the right dose works well but too high a dose causes side effects.