Yeast – a Health Problem that Affects Many

It is a little known fact that yeast in the body can cause multiple medical problems. If you feel sick all over or more often than not and no cause was found, then yeast could be your problem. Yeast also causes problems such as: PMS, hormonal disturbances, fatigue, sugar cravings, low body temperature, sensitivities to chemicals and cigarette smoke, memory or concentration issues, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, skin itching or burning, and rashes.

Yeast can be a friend though as well as an enemy. Although food yeast are full of nutrients, they can also cause allergy problems. A common yeast, Candida albicans, can make your entire body feel sick all over. Antibiotics can cause problems with yeast. Antibiotic, especially broad spectrum ones, kill friendly germs while they are killing the bad germs. This allows yeast to multiply. Diets that are high in sugar an also stimulate yeast growth, as well as birth control pills and cortisone.

Yeasts put out toxins which weaken your immune system. Many women that have yeast trouble will get recurrent vaginal infections and even urinary tract infections. Yeast is a single cell organism and is found on the surface of all living things. Yeast lives in your digestive tract and vagina. In order to survive, it must consume sugars and fats. When yeasts multiply, they put out toxins that circulate throughout your body. This can make you sick.

Nutritional inadequacies or poor absorption problems can weaken your immune system. Working among chemicals and pollutants can also weaken your immune system. Being emotionally stressed out can also add to that. These things can make it easier for you to get sick.

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Yeast affects the immune system directly. It also affects your endocrine and nervous systems as well. Yeast can play a role in hormonal issues, infertility, fatigue, headaches, weakness and even anxiety. In women, taking birth control pills or even being pregnant can increase the yeast in your body. Memory problems, pelvic pain, depression, vaginitis, sexual problems, PMS and irritability are also problems that women can have due to overactive yeast. Men will have some different symptoms as well such as impotence, bloating, jock itch, hives, athletes foot, and prostatitis. Women typically will have more yeast problems than men because of anatomy and women tend to be on more antibiotics than men. Men that have yeast problems usually fall into a category such as consuming too many sweets, repeated courses of antibiotics, food allergies or a wife that has a yeast problem.

Children also can have trouble with yeast. Their symptoms can include: diarrhea, colic, diaper rashes, ear infections, constant illness, irritability, hyperactive, behavior problems and learning problems. Some may even feel there is a link between yeast and autism and ADHD.

There have been links to yeast and multiple sclerosis, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome and crohn’s disease. Anytime you have no significant diagnosis to go with your symptoms, yeast should be checked out as a possible link to the problems.

A few helpful hints may be able to keep yeast at bay. Avoid syrups, processed foods that contain a lot of sugar or additives and fruit, if at all possible. Eating lots of vegetables and healthy foods is always a good thing to do, regardless of your diagnosis or symptoms. Controlling your exposure to chemicals is another great thing to do that can prove to be helpful. Do not smoke or drink alcohol. Exercising is another fabulous thing to do. Taking supplements, such as acidophilus can help to keep the yeast under control. Eating yogurt or probiotic drinks as well are helpful and healthy for you too.

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You should avoid pre packaged foods and processed foods, such as deli meats and bacon. Also avoiding high sugar diets and breads and pastries high in yeast can help you out as well. Do not over due the fruit and that includes fruit juices as well. That can prove to be difficult in children since they drink a lot of fruit juice. Diluting it with water may help cut some of that out of their diet, as well as your own.

The best thing to do if you feel that you have a yeast problem is to get educated on it and find a doctor that can help you out. Some doctors will prescribe certain medications to restore the yeast balance and get you on a better track to health. Then once you are on a better track, you can do the tips I have included in this article to help to keep yeast in a good place.