
The sweet taste of sugar is an irresistible temptation and has been used for centuries as an additive to foods and beverages. Unfortunately having a diet that includes sugar can lead to health problems such as Obesity, Diabetes, and Autoimmune Disorders. Xylitol, a natural sweetener that has been used since the 1960’s, can help alleviate these concerns of poor health

Xylitol is a sweetener that occurs naturally and is found in fruits and vegetables. It is also made from most land plants including Burch trees and is nicknamed “Burch Sugar”. Xylitol is not actually a sugar, but a sugar alcohol. While natural sugar has 6 carbon atoms, Xylitol has only 5 and is sweeter than sorbitol, a sugar substitute commonly used in diet foods and sugar-free products. It is important to note there has become growing concern in the medical community that the use of sorbitol (50 grams or more in adults per day) can cause severe gastro-intestinal problems.

Xylitol is not a strange or artificial substance. It was discovered by the French and German chemists in the 19th century. Xylitol unlike the herb Stevia, which is sometimes used as a natural sweetener, has been approved by the FDA for commercial use. Popular in many countries for diabetics, it is classified as a carbohydrate.

There have been over 1500 scientific studies over the last 25 years that prove the many benefits of incorporating Xylitol into your diet. Among these benefits are reduced sugar cravings as well as reduced insulin levels.

Xylitol For Dental Health

Sugar free chewing gums and sweeteners containing Xylitol have already received approval from dental associations. It enhances all prevention methods for preventing dental caries or cavities. And even has the ability to reverse existing cavities.

Chewing gum and sucking mints which contain Xylitol puts the Xylitol directly into contact with the teeth. It is best to use it 3 to 5 times a day for maximum benefit with 4 to 12 grams per day being a very effective dosage. Replace ordinary chewing gum and breath mints with Xylitol products as well as mouthwash.

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Tooth decay is caused by a combination of bacteria and sugar. Acids and other substances that occur on cell walls cause bacteria to build in our mouths. Xylitol prevents acids from forming in the mouth and reduces the growth of bacteria by as much as 90%. It also decreases the formation of plaque. Effects are not only long-lasting, but could possibly be permanent.

Another great thing about this natural sweetener is children love it!

Xylitol Used To Decrease Nasal and Lung Infections

Bacteria adheres to the nasal lining which increases instances of nasal and lung infections. Xylitol sprays, used as a nasal wash, are excellent for decreasing bacteria accumulation in the nose preventing infections and replaces saline solutions. Saline can decrease the salts in the airway surface and cause our natural, friendly bacteria to be washed away. The more salt is used in the nasal passages the more problems you have.

Other benefits of Xylitol on the lungs and nasal passages are:


  • Xylitol is a healthy way to avoid using all the antibiotics that destroy all bacteria – good and bad. It also keeps the bacteria from being able to hold on to the cells in the nasal cavity.
  • Xylitol works well on allergies and asthma as it washes out irritants in the nasal passages.
  • Xylitol is like soap for your nose and is a wonderful alternative for the saline solutions.
  • Xylitol allows the harmful bacteria to be washed into the stomach to be destroyed by the hydrochloric acid.
  • Xylitol removes 5 times the bacteria of other alternatives.
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Benefits of Xylitol in Ear, Nose and Throat Infections

Xylitol inhibits Strep mutans, the bacteria that causes middle ear infections. Two studies involving over 2000 children using Xylitol gum reduced ear infections by over 60%!

According to Dr. Alan Greene, MD, F.A.A.P. , “W hile other sugars tend to promote the growth of bacteria, Xylitol has been proven to inhibit the growth of bacteria. In particular it has been shown to be effective in preventing dental cavities by inhibiting Strep mutans, the main bacteria responsible for cavities. Since the major cause of ear infections is Strep pneumo, a species of bacteria closely related to Strep mutans, perhaps Xylitol would prove effective in preventing ear infections.

Researchers from Finland tested this hypothesis and published the results of their investigation in the British Medical Journal (November 1996). The study included 306 children in day care nurseries, most of whom had a history of repeated ear infections. Half of the children chewed xylitol-sweetened gum (2 pieces, 5 times a day – after all meals and snacks); the other half chewed ordinary gum at the same frequency. During the 2 months of the study, 21% of the regular gum chewers, but only 12% of the xylitol group, had one or more ear infections. Gum chewing by itself, by promoting swallowing and thus clearance of the middle ear, probably prevents some ear infections. The sugar in the regular-sugar-sweetened gum may have offset this effect by promoting bacterial growth in the children who chewed this ordinary gum. By contrast, in this study, xylitol dropped the incidence of ear infections by almost half!”

The Effects of Xylitol on common health problems like Osteoporosis, Diabetes, Heart Disease and Hormonal Imbalances

  • Xylitol promotes intestinal absorption of calcium and maintains bone density and even increases density. An effective dosage for Osteoporosis is 40 grams a day.
  • Xylitol helps with insulin resistance in Diabetes. Consuming refined sugar and carbs results in rapid release of glucose. Excess glucose stresses our bodies. Half of the American population suffers from insulin resistance causing Diabetes, as well as an increased risk of heart disease. Xylitol is a natural insulin stabilizer and helps in stopping sugar and carb cravings. Xylitol is very slowly metabolized. Sugar has a low glycemic index of 100. The low glycemic index for Xylitol is only 7!
  • It is also beneficial for those with hormonal imbalances and lowers the risk of ovarian cysts, weight gain, and depression.
  • Great for weight loss and as part of an anti-aging program.
  • Xylitol is very useful as in between meal treats.
  • Xylitol is great for athletes as it squelches free radicals from exercise.
  • Xylitol will not spike blood sugar!
  • Xylitol can be used for all recipes which use sugar.
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Don’t give Xylitol to your pets. Since Xylitol is a 5 carbon molecule and not a 6 carbon molecule it does not go well in an animal’s constitution resulting in depression and high blood pressure. Large amounts of Xylitol can cause a laxative effect. Be sure to slowly introduce Xylitol into your diet to give your body time to adapt.

About the Author:

Michelle Newport is a certified herbalist and natural health practitioner. For more information on the benefits of Xylitol and products containing Xylitol, please visit Nature For Life at: http://www.natureforlife.com.