Does Lady Gaga Exhibits Text-Book Symptoms of Bi-Polar Manic Phase?

Lady Gaga goes gaga again with a few of her new claims. She is taking an online course to become an ordained minister so she can perform same-sex marriages for her fans on-stage. This somehow does not seem fair to all her fans who are not gay.

It is too bad Gaga wasn’t taking each and every couple in love into consideration. Gaga has been adamantly against California’s Proposition 8, which rules against same sex marriage, according to ShowbizSpy. Maybe this is just her way of celebrating its banishment.

In what can be best described as a rant about money, Gaga says she doesn’t care at all about it, and she will spend all her money on her art. This lady of odd behaviors equated her art with Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup can art. She then went on to say she wants to become the “greatest pop performer on the planet.” I may be missing something here, but isn’t she pretty close to this already?

According to the DSM-IV, which is the book used by mental health professional to diagnosis mental illness, the criteria for a Bi-Polar manic stage include inflated self-esteem or grandiosity, flight of ideas, increase of goal-directed activity, along with many other symptoms that could fit Gaga’s behaviors.

I am not diagnosing Gaga; I do not know enough about her to do that, I am merely saying that some of the behaviors she exhibits could be symptoms of manic stages of a bi-polar type. I have been a mental health counselor for 15 years, and her behaviors are text book examples!

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Goals. Gaga has goals, and one of them is to have a “Lady Gaga” exhibit in the Louvre.

This type of ranting and delusions of grandeur talk can be a sign of a mental illness.

Gaga often displays manic traits in her claims and actions; she may very well be bi-polar and cycling through manic stages at times. We have seen this in other statements she has made. In her interview with Vanity Fair, she went on about her “vagina being the heart of all her creation.” She also said that “she did not like to have sex because she fears the person will steal her creativity through her vagina.”

People who are in full manic phases often dress bizarrely and wear over-exaggerated make-up. Sound familiar? This may be way off base, and Gaga may just be all show and sit at home in jeans and knit when she is out of the public eye.

All of these traits she exhibits could very well fall under a bi-polar diagnosis. A few months back, Gaga needed to cancel a few nights of concerts due to shear exhaustion. When people who are manic crash, shear exhaustion is what they will feel, along with feeling depressed.

Again, I may be barking up the wrong tree here, but my educated guess is that she has some underlying diagnosis that makes Lady Gaga who she is. What ever it is, she wears it well.

Reference: ShowbizSpyVanity FairDSM-IV