Xanax Can Cause Depression

Xanax is a popular medication that is mostly prescribed for anxiety. Xanax helps to relax the mind and body. This drug was prescribed to me by my doctor when I told him that I had a lot of anxiety and trouble sleeping at night.

I started with a small dose and then gradually the dose went up after a few weeks. In the beginning, I could feel my anxiety being relieved by this drug. I felt more relaxed when I took Xanax. I was finally able to fall asleep easily and stay asleep throughout the night.

As the weeks went on, I also noticed though, that while Xanax had a calming affect on my anxiety, it also had a calming affect throughout my body. I felt as if my body was in slow motion. I had little energy and could barely make it out of bed.

When I first began feeling these side effects, I didn’t realize that it was the Xanax that was the cause of my depression. I continued taking it for the anti anxiety affect and also due to the fact that my sleep had improved greatly.

Although I was getting good sleep, I often woke up feeling very groggy in the morning. It was hard to have motivation to do much of anything. The lack of energy I felt was causing me to become more and more depressed.

Many months later, I began suspecting that Xanax was the reason I was feeling so depressed with such a low energy level. It got to the point where I could no longer leave my bed, only to get showered and dressed and eat a few meals.

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The problem was that I had become hooked on the Xanax because it was the only thing that would help me sleep at the time. It would quiet my racing thoughts at night. So I did not want to stop taking the medication for that reason. However, the depression got so bad, that I became morbidly depressed and wanted to die. This was when I knew I had to do something about it.

I decided to speak with the doctor about gradually tapering off of the drug. I spoke with a psychologist as well who also felt that Xanax was the cause of my depression. I was ready to deal with the sleep problems that would occur after stopping the drug, in hopes that I would get my life back.

I tapered off of the drug for awhile until I had completely stopped taking the medication altogether. What a difference it made in my energy level. At the time, I remember feeling like the dark cloud that was looming over my head and draining my energy had disappeared.

What I am thinking is that because Xanax slows your body down, it makes you feel very relaxed but also it can leave you with a lack of energy and motivation. A lack of motivation and energy can cause you to become depressed, because you may stop doing things that you were once interested in. You might even sleep most of the day away.

Not every person’s body is the same. Medications can act differently with certain people. Some people can tolerate taking Xanax without feeling depressed. I, unfortunately, was not one of them. I have since stopped taking medications for anxiety and depression, due to the side effects that I have experienced. The benefits just did not outweigh the risks and side effects for me.

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If you feel that you may be suffering from depression as a result of taking Xanax, it would be a good idea to speak with your doctor about it. He/she may recommend an alternative treatment.