WWE Flashback: The Best and Worst of Survivor Series 1988

In honor of the 20th anniversary of the Survivor Series I thought it would be fun to take a trip down memory lane and remember the great Survivor Series moments. These are the best and worst moments from Survivor Series 1988.

Best Matches of Survivor Series 1988
Team Andre vs. Team Hacksaw – The match between Andre the Giant and Hacksaw Jim Duggan’s Survivor Series teams gets off to a slow start but things start to pick up when Jake the Snake Roberts must take on four wrestlers by himself. Jake the Snake has an amusing encounter with Rick Rude, then Andre the Giant sacrifices himself by choking Jake the Snake until he gets disqualified, then Mr. Perfect finishes off Jake the Snake to give Andre’s team the Survivor Series win.

Team Hulk Hogan vs. Team Bossman – This Survivor Series match also starts off slow but once Team Hulk Hogan is down to just Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage it gets pretty entertaining. Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage overcome a pretty brutal beating to win the Survivor Series match.

Worst Matches of Survivor Series 1988
Team Warrior vs. Team Honkytonk Man – The Ultimate Warrior has a lot of energy and is still entertaining to watch but the entire rest of this match is made up of a bunch of some rather useless wrestlers, including the Honkytonk Man.

Best Performers at Survivor Series 1988
The Mega Powers – Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage were both great in the Survivor Series main event. Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage overcame a 3 on 2 fight that included Big Bossman handcuffing Hulk Hogan to the ring. Afterwards the seeds are planted for the Mega Powers split when Hulk Hogan celebrates with Miss Elizabeth and Randy Savage gets jealous.

See also  WWE Flashback: The Best and Worst of Survivor Series 1987

Hart Foundation – The 10 vs. 10 match between all the tag teams at Survivor Series 1988 was much better Survivor Series 1987 and the main reason is that the Hart Foundation were in the ring very often. Bret Hart looked like the best wrestler out of the very talented group and Jim Neidhart had some power moves that were as impressive as anybody.

Worst Performers at Survivor Series 1988
Danny Davis – Danny Davis was eliminated in his Survivor Series after only one minute and eighteen seconds.

Best Moments at Survivor Series 1988
Savage gets jealous – The look on Randy Savage’s face after Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan win the Survivor Series main event and Hulk Hogan celebrates with Miss Elizabeth is priceless. You can see the wheels turning in his head and know that’s the moment in which Randy Savage was going to part ways with Hulk Hogan.

Bad News Brown leaves – Bad News Brown became the first person to abandon his team when one of his partner’s accidentally hits him and he decides to leave and gets counted out.

Worst Moments at Survivor Series 1988
Tag Team finals – The Hart Foundation, Brain Busters, British Bulldogs, Demolition and the Rockers are all eliminated but the Conquistadors are one of the final teams?

Red Rooster – Any time that Terry Taylor must act like a rooster it is a very sad day.