Women’s Clothing Co. Ailin Designs Fashionable Outdoor Activewear

A new design company has formed in the US to fill a growing need for fashionable outdoor women’s clothing. There’s a new breed of women in America and they’re rapidly trading gym memberships for outdoor activities that can offer a breath of fresh air. “After working in a stuffy office all day, the last place I want to be is in a gym, elbow to elbow with the same people I was bumper to bumper with in my morning commute,” says Carol, a 26-year-old commercial lines underwriter from Boston, MA. “I need to be outside.”

Carol is part of an emerging trend that is producing a growing demand for functional yet fashionable women’s clothing. Active women are shifting the way they prefer to exercise. Instead of pounding out 2 miles on a treadmill in an air-conditioned building, women are taking their partners and children for adventures in the mountains, on the sea and all the points in between. A pair of baggy sweats and a big t-shirt just doesn’t work anymore. The problem is a lack of versatile and lifestyle-oriented clothing. Women want to look as good as they feel and they don’t want to sacrifice mobility or taste in exchange for warmth or functionality.

Ailin is a new privately-held company based in Manhattan, New York and they’re stepping up to the plate to fill a niche in the market with a new clothing line currently unavailable from other manufactures.

“Why should I have to wear drab colors or clothes that don’t fit right whenever I go hiking?” complains Amy, a 32-year-old mother of 3 from Aspen, Colorado. I still want to feel sexy when I’m sweating.

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“The thing that is missing in the surfing and outdoor lifestyle clothing industry is a sense of fashion,” stated Erin Bell, Ailin’s Founder. “Women want to look good, without sacrificing style for function. Our clothing offers a level of style, grace, and performance.”

Ailin will introduce its new clothing line at the Action Sports Retailer (ASR) Trade Expo in San Diego, California September 9-11 and will debut in retail outlets across the US shortly after.