Why Your Child Has a Stomachache

As a parent, it is often difficult to determine the cause of a child’s painful stomachache. It could be the flu, or slow digestive bowels. It maybe the onset of a gluten intolerance or just plain nerves. It is important that you pay attention to the symptoms your child has so that you can better target the reason for their stomach pain. Here are a few common stomach pains and the symptoms you need to look for to identify them:

Stomach Pain Caused by Food Poisoning
If your child is experiencing stomach pain that includes fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and cramps, they could have food poisoning or the flu. Obviously, both are serious as the excess diarrhea and vomiting can cause extreme dehydration. As a parent, you want to try to rule out food poisoning by asking a few questions of your child. Find out if your child has eaten anything unusual in the last 24 hours. Determine if your child’s symptoms started up suddenly. If the symptoms continue for more than a few days for a child and a few hours for an infant, than seek medical advice immediately.

Stomach Pain Caused by Food Allergies
Many children have food allergies and many more suffer from food intolerances, many of which are linked to unhealthful processed foods. Children who have poor nutrition habits can develop allergies. Stomach pains that start after a couple of hours after eating can be allergy related. If you child has gas, congestion or sinus problems then most certainly is a food allergy or food intolerance. The best course is to try a food elimination diet for your child. Take out gluten, dairy, eggs, nuts, soy, and shellfish to see if their symptoms go away in a week or two. Then begin to add one or two items back into their diet to see if the food culprit can be determined.

See also  Natural Ways to Cure Stomach Pains

Stomach Pain Caused by Appendicitis
The inflammation of the appendix is not a common ailment for most children. Less then 0.1 percent of children ever suffer from it. However, if your child has appendicitis, it is serious. Ask your child to point where it hurts on their tummy. An appendicitis pain will start in the belly button area and then begin to migrate to the lower right side of the stomach. The real indicator of appendicitis is if the child experiences pain when you touch their stomach, even lightly.

Stomach Pain Caused by Constipation
The pain from constipation is not fun. It usually involves cramping, or straining when they do go to the bathroom. Ask your child when they went poop last and this will give you an idea of how severe of their constipation. If you suspect this is the cause, begin to eliminate wheat and dairy products from their diet as they tend to be constipating. Begin to make sure that high fiber foods are constantly in their diet. Apples, beans, raw vegetables, prunes, and dried fruit will all increase bowel movements. Avoid giving them any laxatives, as they can be very harsh on a child’s digestive system.

Stomach Pain Caused by Stress
If after you have changed your child’s diet and they still seem to have stomach pain, then stress maybe the culprit. The mind and the stomach are closely related and stress and anxiety can cause pain. Try to find out what is stressing your child. Ask them questions and give them a chance to open up with you about their anxiety. Also, give your child a chance to play and leave all their stress behind at school or at home.