Why It’s Dangerous to Pierce Your Own Ears

For years there have been those who have made the very bad decision to go ahead and pierce their own ears. Some have even allowed their friend to do the piercing for them. The problem is that about ninety nine percent of the time it ends in disaster. Usually the person will end up getting a serious infection in their ear that has to be treated immediately. If you have children then you should definitely read this article and share some of this point with them. Even if you think that they would never do something like that you may be surprised.

You very rarely see girls piercing their own ears. Or at least this is what many people seem to think. A lot of people think that boys are the ones who take the risk of piercing their own ears without having a professional do it. However it does seem to be a growing trend for some girls whose parents did not price their ears when they were younger, or perhaps those girls who want to have more holes added to their ear, to do it themselves. One thing that you can share with your children is that if they do end up getting some type of infection which they probably will, that it could mean they can never have their ears pierced again. It is also possible for there to be even more serious damage.

Over recent years it seems to have also become some type of fad to pierce just about everything. Since most children know that their parents would be against this they usually try to do it themselves or have a close friend do it. Another technique is to let them know how ridiculous they would look walking around with a bandaged ear. Besides which is actually worse not being able to have them pierced or walking around with a very painful and nasty infection. If you put it that way they may start to think twice before they choose to start piercing their own ears. Or worse they may even start thinking about piercing something else.

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There have even been cases where teen age girls have died due to a serious infection that started with their piercing. Most teens, who decide to pierce their own ears, or another party of their body, will usually try to hide what they have done from their parents. By the time many parents realize what their child has done the infection is usually full blown and their health could really be in serious danger. Unfortunately because of the society that we live in it is more trendy to have more than just one hole in the ear, or to have numerous piercing else where. In some cases even if you think you are going to a reputable person to get their ears pierce they could still end up with an infection.

This is why it is the parent’s responsibility to check who they will be taking their daughter too in order to have her ears pierced. This way you are sure that she will not end up with some type of serious infection. The last thing that you want to do is blindly pick any name out of the phone book. Take your time and talk with family member or friends in your area if you do not know of any reputable doctor who can do the procedure for you. Always make sure you check the person out via the better business bearer in order to make sure that they have no complaints filed against them. Remember that this is the best thing to do in order to protect your teen. The bottom line is that most teens and pre-teens are clueless about the dangers of self piercing. This is why it is so important for parents to take the time to explain the dangers and risk to them.