Why I Love Bible Study Fellowship

Are you looking for a bible study that seeks only to introduce you to the true Word of God? Are you looking for a study that is open to everyone? Do you seek a study that opens the Word of God and examines it closely? Do you want to study the Word with fellow Christians around your town, country, and the World? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) is the study for you!

Bible Study Fellowship is an international and non-denominational organization that was founded more than 50 years ago in California. BSF classes are now offered in 30 countries in 6 continents, with over 1000 classes (800 alone are in the United States). There are over 200,000 class members!

BSF is different from most bible studies offered. Here is what makes BSF distinctive:

It has a Four Fold Approach which includes daily questions for study, small group discussion, a whole group lecture, and notes to read for review. BSF meets once a week for 2 hours. Each BSF study begins in September and ends in May. The study is of one book from the Bible for the whole calendar year. There are 7 studies BSF offers: Matthew, the life of Moses, John, History of Israel and the Minor Prophets, Acts of the Apostles, Genesis, and Romans. BSF also offers a “fellowship” component as well allowing small group members to connect on a more intimate level once a month.

BSF is offered to both Women (day and evening classes) and Men (evening class), as well, as children (ages 2 to 5 and 6 to 17). The preschool offering is held during the women’s day class, which is great for young moms with children. Not only does it allow moms to participate in a bible study that they might not be able to do otherwise without childcare, but it also offers a wonderful opportunity for their children to be filled with the Word of God in a loving environment. An additional benefit is the whole family can be in the same study, on their level, at the same time allowing for an opportunity for families to share with one another about God’s Word and what they are learning.

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I was first introduced to BSF 3 years ago by my sister-n-law. She was a BSF participant for over 20 years. She had nothing but good things to say about it and I wanted to experience the joy she received and the confidence in God she had received by going to BSF. At the time, my first child was 2, but I also had a newborn. I didn’t have childcare for my newborn and he was a breastfed baby as well, so it was hard to leave him for 2 hours. However, since my sister-n-law was a children’s leader at BSF, she was allowed to bring my first son along with her so that he could experience the study. I was amazed at how much he enjoyed it and how much he learned at just 2 years old. I couldn’t wait for my youngest to turn 2 so that I could participate.

I first experienced BSF for myself last fall along with my 2 children, who at the time were 2 and 4. We did the study of Romans and all I can say is “Wow!” I absolutely loved the study, loved the distinct structure of BSF, and all the people I met through BSF. The disciplined structure of this study helped me to stay in the Word on a daily basis, apply what I was learning, and reflect on my life through God’s Word. My children were learning all about God’s love, mercy, and His gift of grace for the first time. BSF was something they looked forward to going to week to week. The children’s leaders are so loving and so organized. It amazes me how the program runs so smoothly. An additional feature I love is the “pink sheet” or the home training lesson that the children’s leaders hand out each week. It lets you know what the children learned and a life application you can use in your home related to the lesson. This has helped us as a family to apply God’s Word in our home with our children.

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This year we are back with BSF again learning about Jesus in the book of Matthew. In the beginning, we did an overall look at the book of Matthew and now we are breaking it into in smaller chunks, chapter by chapter, each week. Each week, we begin by singing 2 hymns and saying a prayer. Then we go to our small groups to discuss the answers to the questions we answered during the week. I always learn so much by what others share. After that we go back to large group, sing another hymn and pray. Then the BSF leader lectures about what we just discussed. The lectures are always so eye opening, refreshing, and help me as a Christian to reflect upon my spiritual growth. Then we are sent home with our notes which review the questions from the previous week as well as the lecture and new questions on the next chapter to answer.

The questions are broken up into 6 days. The first day involves reflecting on the lecture and the notes. The remaining days take the chapter you are studying into sections. There are usually a few questions for each day. You read the scriptures noted and answer the questions. Occasionally there are challenge questions which involve utilizing other scriptures to answer the question. There are different types of questions, from straightforward answers, to individual interpretation, to application based.

Though BSF is a yearlong study, it is designed for new members to join throughout the year. There is an introduction class held once a month, in our case, the first Wednesday of the month. Once you attend an intro class, a small group leader will call you for placement. Members are encouraged to invite friends to BSF. It is a wonderful way to introduce someone to Christ or help them to grow in their faith. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about Bible Study Fellowship, go to www.bsfinternational.org. From this site, you can find locations near you.

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