Why Do Boys Wet the Bed More Than Girls?

It appears that boys wet the bed more than girls do, and there are many speculations about why this might be the case. Some of the speculations are hormone-based, while others are simply a function of physiological differences with regard to the bladder muscles. Still others believe there is a psychological difference between boys and girls that might explain the observations.

The most popular explanation of why boys wet the bed more often than girls do is that the muscles that control the bladder mature earlier in girls than in boys. Some of this is believed to be a function of the overall anatomy of boys and girls (size, length and other functions of the urethra, for example). There is a push and pull effect going on with the bladder, since there are muscles that contract to remove the urine from the bladder as well as the muscles that keep the urine within the bladder until the time is right to release it. Boys may have contractile muscles that are much stronger than their control muscles. The fact that more and more boys are circumcised may also play into the current higher numbers as well, because problems related to circumcision can eventually lead to problems with bed wetting. Usually such issues can be fixed with a simple procedure.

There are also possible differences between boys and girls with regard to their ability to produce a hormone that helps to slow down the production of urine at night. This hormone, called antidiuretic hormone, is released near nightfall and keeps the kidney from producing much, if any, urine during the evening. The body’s ability to control urine production through the release of antidiuretic hormone does not exist when a baby is born, but rather it is attained over the course of time for most people. It is believed that boys have a tendency to achieve this hormone release a bit later than girls do, and thus their bladders are continuing to fill through the night rather than shutting down most of the urine production.

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Let’s talk about the psychological differences between boys and girls. Some people claim that this is truly a factor in why boys wet the bed more than girls. In many societies, boys tend to play harder and rougher than girls. Some believe that because boys are likely to be playing around at something or another right up until bed-time, there is a higher likelihood that they will get distracted and forget to use the bathroom before bed. Even if they are watched going to the bathroom, there is a chance that they are too preoccupied to fully empty their bladders before bed. It is conceivable that at early ages, boys are just too busy to worry about whether or not they are truly ready for bed.

Regardless of the cause behind the higher bed wetting frequency in boys, the simple fact remains that boys wet the bed more often than girls. However, the prognosis for wetting the bed is usually quite similar for either sex. If your little one is wetting the bed, you can always ask your pediatrician for advice.
