Alternative Treatments for Overactive Bladder and Incontinence Problems

Alternative therapies for overactive bladder and incontinence have been in existence for a long time, however before you start any alternative therapy you should have a complete medical evaluation to make sure of the diagnosis and to see what might be causing the incontinence or overactive bladder problem. It is also recommended that you speak to you physician prior to starting any type of alternative therapy in order to make sure that it doesn’t cause any adverse reactions with any treatments or medications you are now taking.

Certain problems with overactive bladder are not responsive to herbal therapies.

Pumpkin seed

Pumpkin seed has been in clinical trials which looked at its affects on prostate health in men and bladder health in women. Pumpkin seeds have been used to treat many medical problems such as improving prostate issues and bladder problems especially after menopause.


Magnesium has been shown to be helpful with muscle health. Medical professionals are hopeful that magnesium can improve bladder spasms problems which prevent the bladder from being able to empty thoroughly, resulting in drips, dribbles and leaks in both men and women. Taking magnesium before going to bed may also improve bed-wetting by preventing frequent urination during the night.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto has been used in Europe for a long time for treating enlarged prostate. Saw palmetto for overactive bladder and incontinence is believed to reduce the over-activity by allowing it to empty properly. Saw Palmetto has been known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Taking 160 mg. of Saw Palmetto extract twice daily increases urinary flow by almost 25%. Saw Palmetto has hormonal affects and therefore should not be used by women who are breastfeeding, pregnant or taking oral contraceptives or any other hormone therapy. Saw Palmetto will not improve overactive bladder in men unless it is related to enlarged prostate problems.

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Buchu is believed to have the antiseptic properties and is used by herbalists to treat mild urinary infections. Use of diuretic to treat overactive bladder or incontinence may seem ill advised but actually overactive bladder problems may often be because of an infection or a urinary inflammation problem. Sometimes tests fail to diagnosis the inflammation and the infection causes frequent urination and prevents emptying.


Cornsilk relaxes the bladder and also detoxifies the bladder. Cornsilk has also been combined with buchu to in order to treat bladder infections. Cornsilk is also thought to have anti inflammatory properties in which to treat inflammation therefore decreasing the bladder over-activity.


Cleaver improves incontinence because of its anti inflammatory and diuretic properties. This herb is not completely understood however research is being done on how it can be better utilized.


Bromelain is thought to have anti inflammatory properties. Bromelain has been used as a treatment for bladder inflammation related to urinary tract inflammations or other urinary tract problems.

Food Sensitivity

Sensitivity to food has also been linked to overactive bladder problems. Sensitivity triggers overactive bladder problems by causing systemic inflammation thereby the resulting bladder and urinary inflammation in turn causes overactive output of urine and incontinence problems.

Sugar, dairy, and white flour are among the foods that may be linked to overactive bladder and incontinence problems. If you want to test this theory drop a food from your diet for at least three weeks to see if the symptoms subside, if they do restart the food to see if the incontinence returns to the previous over-activity level.

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Natural Overactive Bladder and Incontinence Treatments

N Con Tonic – promotes bladder tone, immunity and strength for better bladder health and control

Triple Complex UT Tonic – relieves frequent urination, improves bladder control and burning sensations

UTI Clear – Buchu is one of the ingredients in UTI Clear which supports urinary tract functions and complete urinary health

Other Helpful Strategies to Cope with Overactive Bladder and Incontinence

Kegel exercises – Strengthening the pelvic muscles which hold the bladder in place can help tremendously with incontinence issues in women such as helping when coughing, sneezing, or with urine leakage.

Bladder training – Different techniques can be used to train the bladder to empty at fixed intervals so as to strengthen the bladder in which to be able to hold the urine better

Some alternative hormone replacement therapies are being tested for use with improving the urge of incontinence

Some herbal therapies such as above have been known to stimulate the nerves that control urine flow and tone up bladder muscles and may be as effective as pelvic exercises.

Acupuncture – has been utilized some with incontinence problems

Hypnotherapy – has been used with some overactive bladder and urinary incontinence problems

It is important to remember while alternative medicine can’t cure incontinence problems for many people experiencing problems methods such as these may provide some relief from their overactive bladder issues and therefore be worthwhile in trying. If you are thinking of trying any alternative therapy you should also check with your physician first and get his consent and recommendations on the treatment you are considering.

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