Why Do Boxers Have Such Bad Allergies

When you decide it is time to get a new dog, you really have to be careful of the breed you decide on or if you are buying a mix breed you need to know what the breed is mixed with. Certain breeds have certain genetic defects that could cost you money in the long run. The boxer, a beautiful dog has specific problems that are only specific to them. Boxer allergies or any dog allergies can be horrible for the dog and costly for the owner. If you buy a boxer, be prepared to deal with allergies when you see your dog scratch and bite at his skin.

The boxer dog allergy may be the result of demodectic mange. This allergy is comes from the demodex mite that lives on the skin of the dog. All dogs have this mite and it is passed on to the puppies when the puppies are born. Boxers are especially susceptible to this type of dog allergy and it has even been suggested by some vets that Boxers should be neutered and not procreate if they are bothered by this disorder. The mange is genetically passed on so by neutering your dog, the line of the disorder will disappear.

Boxers are also prone to food allergies. Most breeds can acquire food allergies but boxers are more likely to get them than other breeds. Watch what your dog is eating and take them to a vet for a scratch test. Once the ingredient is found, change your dog’s food and buy one that does not contain it. Organic dog food is sometimes a good choice because your boxer might be allergic to the chemicals and other ingredients that regular dog food has in them. It may take a little time to find out just what is making your dog itch, but it will help them in the long run.

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Boxers, as we other dogs, have allergies that stem from environmental sources. Tree pollen and plants can set off a Boxer just by playing in the yard. Their eyes will run and their skin will itch just like human allergies. You can prevent this by making sure your dog has medications given to him by a vet. An anti-allergy tablet every morning should be enough to help you dog play outside and enjoy the sun. If the anti-allergy medicine does not work, take your Boxer back to the vet so they can try something else.

The inside can set off your Boxers dog allergy. Dust mites, molds, and other inner environmental factors can have your boxer’s nose running and eyes red. The best defense against inside environmental factors is to remove the source of the allergy. Clean your house well and often. Make sure that your Boxer’s bed is washed on a regular basis. Even giving your dog a bath will bring down their allergies. Remember if your tactics do not work, consult your vet. Your pet’s health and happiness depends on your actions as a owner.