White Winter Wedding: Planning Tips

Who’s up for a white winter wedding? One where all you see for miles is snow, snow and more snow. How romantic! This would be a great wedding idea for anyone who loves the snow and cold. Or, anyone who wants to create a white fantasy.

So how do you have this dream wedding? It will take some planning, but you can make it perfect. Find an area where it snows alot, and often, and there is usually snowfall on the ground. You can find places like this near the Great Lakes region, especially because of lake-effect snow. One place you could try is Wisconsin.

Once you pinpoint an area, find a lake that is constantly frozen all winter long. One in Wisconsin is Lake Mendota, the large lake the Madison surrounds. Although there may be some shallow areas way out in the middle, generally most of the lake is frozen, especially in February.

The idea here is to have your wedding on a frozen, snow-covered lake. There is white as far as the eye can see, and it’s risky for those of you who like adventure. You’re going to have the whole wedding outside, in the freezing weather conditions. If you choose Lake Mendota in Madison, Wisconsin, February temperatures often go into the negative, without factoring in the windchill. Don’t be surprised for a negative 30 degrees fahrenheit day!

Talk to some locals and find out how far you can venture onto the ice and be safe. Then, start setting up the wedding area. You will have the place where the minister or other person and the couple stand, as well as the seating for the audience. You can place flowers and the podium, whatever you need to make a beautiful wedding scene.

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Yes, it will be cold, but the feeling of being out on the ice is incredible. Give people hot hand packs to warm up. And of course warm them ahead of time to dress incredibly warm and layered.

So what type of wedding dress will you have? This could create a whole new market for weddings- the winter wedding dress. You may have to have one specially made for the bride, that is warm yet elegant. Of course, no one ever said you have to dress in the traditional garb.

What you need after the wedding is a warmed tent on the land surface for people to warm up. I have found that it is safe to have a heater or two on the ice- as the ice fishers do it, I wouldn’t recommend going overboard. Heat rises, but you still don’t want to take unnecessary risks.

Then, have ice skates available (if there isn’t alot of snow on the ice) or cross-country skis if snow covers the lake. Talk about a fun wedding! This will be quite the fantasy.

For the honeymoon, fly somewhere warm, or continue the winter fantasy by finding a cozy hotel with an adjustable in-room heater! You’ll be frozen and need it!
