Which Product Cleans Your Hair Better? – TRESemme Shampoo Vs. White Rain Shampoo

I love to try different shampoos. I change shampoos frequently, a lot of times not even finishing the bottle I’m using. As a result, I have a closet full of shampoo bottles that are half full. (I’ll never run out)

My two most recent are White Rain Original Shampoo and TRESemme Shampoo for dry or damaged hair. I have very dry hair and I’ve noticed that if I don’t switch shampoos often, my hair tends to get drier than normal. It’s my own fault, because I love to change the color of my hair. I like to go darker in the colder months and for spring and summer, I like to highlight. While I like the difference, it tends to dry my hair and I have to adjust my shampoo accordingly. I almost always buy whatever is for dry hair.

About six weeks ago, I began using TRESemme for dry or damaged hair. It had been years since I used it, but I’d remembered liking it and wanted to give it another whirl. The 32 OZ bottle was almost $4 which is typically more than I like to pay for a bottle of shampoo, but I bought it anyway. I tucked my half full bottle of Suave into the closet and started on the TRESemme.

The TRESemme is wonderful. The smell is so clean and it rinsed easily and I didn’t feel buildup on my hair. That’s the glory of starting a new shampoo. It always seems to rinse easier. It also lathered well and I didn’t feel a need to wash my hair twice like I sometimes do with other shampoos. The wonderful feeling lasted about a month when, again, as usual, I felt like there was a buildup forming on my hair and I knew it was time to get something else.

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The next shampoo I bought was White Rain Original. There is a significant price difference between the shampoos as the White Rain is only $0.89 per bottle. The White Rain lathered well and rinsed clean. The scent was just as good, if not better than the more expensive TRESemme. I had to ask myself why women sometimes feel the need to spend more on shampoo. I actually read another article once that said the main ingredients in all shampoos were the same and there was no need to pay more. I sometimes do anyway.

After a little more than a week using the White Rain Shampoo, I began to notice the gummy feeling of buildup on my hair. I envy women that don’t experience that. Although the shampoo lathers well and smells great, it started to leave my hair with a heavy feeling and I was noticing that it wasn’t styling as easily. I tucked what was left of that bottle and pulled out the TRESemme.

Problem solved. Within one use of the TRESemme, my hair felt normal again. Although the White Rain is cheaper, the TRESemme seems to last me longer before the familiar feeling of buildup returns and I feel the need to again switch shampoos. Probably if I’d stop the destruction that I regularly do to my hair, I wouldn’t have this problem.

Between the two, I’m going to say that I prefer the TRESemme. A little more money, but in the long run, it does continue to leave the hair feeling clean without buildup. I will continue to use the White Rain periodically until the bottle is gone just to keep from wasting it, but I don’t think I’m going to add it to my list of regular shampoos. I will, however, continue to buy the TRESemme along with about four or five other brands that I can alternate whenever my hair begins to feel heavy. My husband uses the same shampoo everyday and has for years. If I could be so lucky.