Where to Find Things to Sell on Ebay

The most difficult question for those that want to begin selling on eBay is “where do I find stuff to sell?”. The good news is that you don’t have to go far because right around you are literally thousands of dollars worth of items that you could quickly and easily sell on eBay for a nice profit.

For those that want to take eBay a step further, this post will also tell you where to find stuff to sell outside of your home, read on:

1) Find items in your garage

The average garage of a household is full of forgotten junk, unused items and old products that have long since been unwanted. As they say “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” – within your garage could be thousands of dollars ready to be made if they land in the right hands. Dig around and make a pile of what you want to keep and sell – then get online and begin listing this stuff on eBay.

2) Check the house

Buried within the crevices and nooks in your household are trinkets, products and goods that you’re no longer using. It’s time to get over these items and move on with your life. Instead of tossing this unused stuff on the side of the road, begin listing it on eBay – if you manage to get a few bucks per item it’s much better than none at all; plus, you just cleaned out your house!

3) Ask a friend

After you clear out your own house, why not take your eBay skills and extend them to a friend or family member? Tell your friends that you’d be willing to list their unused and unwanted items on eBay and handle the auction process in exchange for a commission. Eventually you could extend this hobby into your own small business as you become the “go-to” person that knows eBay.

See also  How to Sell on Ebay and Actually Make Money

4) Check the flea market

A flea market is a dream for those that are selling on eBay. A lot of vendors at flea market want to quickly get rid of their stuff and don’t take the time to accurately price each item; their laziness is your advantage. Do a little research yourself and go into the flea market knowing what to look out for that will sell great on eBay. Haggle the flea market vendor down in price, get home and begin listing your new found items online.

5) Storage unit sales

There are many storage unit businesses that need to make way for new customers and get rid of those that have neglected payment. Often, these storage unit facilities will auction off the contents of a storage unit to gain their money back from those that didn’t pay. Go on the right day and you could walk away with hundreds of great items to begin listing online.

6) Yard Sales

Every weekend there are a massive amount of year’s sales going on all around you – just keep your eyes open for them. Much like flea market vendors, people selling stuff at a yard sale usually want to get rid of an item instead of holding onto it after the sale. Again, haggle the proprietor and you could find yourself a bunch of items to begin selling on eBay.

7) Drop-ship, Wholesale, Manufacturers

If you’re serous about making money with your eBay listings or shop than you need to step it up to the big leagues and find where your can either directly buy the product or have a company drop-ship for you. Once you find the source for products, order a few and test out the market to see how well they sell; if all goes over well than you could be on your way to Internet riches.