Penny Auctions for Information on EBay and Other Auction Sites

Now the 1 cent auctions are a great brainstorm as you can see at first glance. They are so low priced that they sell like hot cakes for some sellers. However you need to crunch the numbers, if you do it like the list says then it costs you the .10 cents to list it, but since its only a penny it sells for your final value fee is 0 cents , but if you collect it through paypal, they take that penny. So your still out the 10 cents it cost you to list the store and the 30 cents it cost you to create the auction. Your actually loosing 40 cents, while 40 cents is not much at all, imagine selling 400 of them. See it adds up, but the marketing ploy is great cheap auctions that sell themselves almost hell of a way to get the feedback if you ask me.

I though however am selling on eBay to make money not to spend the money I make at my regular job in some fun filled hobby. So I know there are other ways to sell out here that do make money and I am finding it by trial and error. I am not new to selling, been doing it for a few years here and there, but mostly buying. I spend way too much out here buying additions to my angel collection. It’s an addiction of mine, but kind of costly as well.

Yes you can make money out here all you need is a unique idea or lots of stuff just sitting around or cash to purchase stuff. Me I’d rather use the grey matter between my ears for something other than taking up space. I am one who’d rather come up with my own stuff because simply put it sells better.

I keep track of all my sales in an excel spreadsheet, I have a degree in computers so that’s easy for me, but you could do the same in a notebook. My way just simply crunches the numbers automatically with a few formulas in the right place. That’s how I knew I was losing money and well that’s not cool with me.

The concept is great do not get me wrong but do the math yourself folks, and you’ll see that you are losing money with those but gaining feedback.

I like the idea of the penny auction as it has many good tips for us. The best one is where you create the store ad and link the auction to it. Store fees to create and sell are much cheaper than an auction. Buy it now is good but it cost you money and we are out here to make money not spend it.

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I have bought my share of e-books and tried to sell them, but they don’t bring in the type of cash I want, heck everyone thinks they will sell so everyone is trying to sell them and in reality everyone sells a few but the ones getting rich are the ones who are selling it.

My solution to this dilemma is to create your own e-book or list. There is something you know about very well and all you need to do is sit down and type it up and then create an auction and sell it. Me I know how to lose money on eBay, the foolish mistakes we make while trying to make money.

I suggest you create your list with word or something similar so that the grammar is all correct and then list it on eBay following the layout of the list 1 cent auctions.

Create the store listing first (costs is 10 cents) and then link your online auction (cost 30+ cents) to it. Make the link in your auction point to your store listing; you’ll pay less listing and closing fees. That little difference can save a ton of money.

So what can you write your list or e-book about? Are you a master chef, or do you know how to keep plants alive, or perhaps you can tell how to write good descriptions that make auctions sell. It doesn’t matter as long as you use the right combination of keywords you can sell it to the right market.

I am sure this one will make its rounds as well with people trying to sell it and it might work but chances are it won’t work for you. That’s because the market out here gets too many copies of the same thing and they all are the same thing, and soon no one buys them. Individuality is the key here folks. Uniqueness always works.

Here’s a copy of the 1 cent auction that I bought out here and sold a few of. I am entitled to sell it because well I can the same as you can. However I suggest selling it for more than a penny and also changing the name to generate new interest.

Secret of the one cent Auction.

You are probably reading this because you want to learn how to quickly become successful selling products and making money one Bay.

Even you can even become an eBay Power Seller if you are lucky. What you will learn about in the following pages is the secret that almost every successful eBay entrepreneur has used to make consistent income selling products one eBay, the eBay Store.

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What is an eBay store? Simply put, when you sign up for an eBay store, eBay creates a personal web site just for you to sell your items. EBay handles all the logistics, accounting, and sales. You simply need to list your items. And the best part is eBay supplies all the traffic!

Millions of unique visitors use eBay’s built in search engine to look for what they want to buy. The added bonus is that once you have an eBay store, the listing fee is only 2 cents per item, AND you can list items for 30 days, whereas items listed as a regular auction have a minimum listing fee of $0.25.

To summarize, your eBay store will allow you to list multiple items for as little as $0.02 per listing and you’ll be able to keep these listings online for 30 days before having to spend another $0.02 to renew them. The first thing you need to do before you go any further is open your eBay store.


Go to your Sell menu and create a new listing. Select the radio button

“Sell in Store Inventory.”

But what are you going to sell? Sell an interesting article about how to do something, those topics are endless! There is something everyone knows a lot about, that others may know little about. That’s easy! People sell recipes, how to garden articles, how to winterize your house, and even tutorials on popular software titles.

Make sure you create your listing with a quantity of at least 500. This will give you enough items to last the entire 30 days that your store listing is active.

Now go to your “My eBay” menu, and then select the “Selling” menu. This will show your store item that you just created. First, select this item and copy its item number using control-C, or select copy from the Edit menu. It’s important to keep this number. Copy and paste it. Then go to the drop down menu and select “Send to Online Auction.” This will create a regular, non-store auction for the same item.

Go ahead and finish creating this listing.

Go to the Help menu and look up the term “pre-approve.” Click on the link to “Pre-Approve Bidders/Buyers.” Select “Add New Item” and then add your regular listing (not your store listing) to the list requiring pre-approval. What this does is make your regular listing come up showing that pre-approval is required. This will force the buyer to click on a link that will take them directly to your store.

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Now you must go back and insert a link to your store listing into your regular auction listing.

Here’s the simplest way to do this. Go to your item listing in your eBay store and highlight the item number in your browser window and copy it with Ctrl-C or from the Copy command in the Edit menu.

Now go to the regular auction item you just created and select the option to revise this listing. Go to the link that says “Stores HTML Editor” and follow the instructions for creating a link to your store listing. Insert this link into your regular auction ad with text reading something like:


If you did the above steps correctly you will have a regular auction listing that requires pre-approval, and a store listing where your customers will buy your e-book. When they see your regular auction listing they will click on the link that says, “CLICK HERE FOR PRE-APPROVAL” and they will be taken directly to your eBay Store listing where they will complete their purchase. You will now have an eBay sales machine that’s open 24/7 and is constantly bringing you customers and money!

Important! You still must remember to re-list your regular, pre-approval required auction every seven days, and your eBay store listing every 30 days. You will then be able to maintain your sales system which funnels customers from your regular listing into your eBay store, where you can have as many items as you like “in stock” waiting for people to buy! The next step is up to you.

You will have to decide what niche you want to fill on eBay as a seller. In my experience the most successful sellers specialize in one particular area. Whatever path you choose, you now have a blueprint for how to set up your eBay Store to have continuously listed items bringing in cash for you every day.

Start selling online today! Open a storefront on eBay.

You now have some basic strategies that will allow you to immediately establish yourself one Bay with a solid feedback rating. With this rating, and with the information in this article, you will be well on your way to making a nice amount of extra income whenever you want.