When to Take a Pregnancy Test

Do you think you are pregnant? Are you trying to conceive and hoping this is month for your little miracle? Are you not sure when to take a pregnancy test? Here are a few pregnancy test tips that be helpful regarding taking a pregnancy test. This tips answer the question, “When should I take a home pregnancy test?”

When to Take a Pregnancy Test Tip #1: Take the pregnancy test on the First Day of Your Missed Period

The quick answer to this popular question is on the first day of your missed period. Obviously, if your cycles are irregular or you haven’t been keeping track, then you may not know the first day of your missed period. When in doubt, you can always test if you can afford it. However, if its negative, keep in mind it could be positive.

Tthere are some pregnancy tests that allow you to test up to five days before your expected period. These tests claim to be very accurate. However, with my son, I did not get a positive early pregnancy test, even after the first day of my period. There may not be enough of the hCG hormone in your urine to get a positive test.

When to Take a Pregnancy Test Tip #2: Take the pregnancy test first thing in the morning, using your first urine of the day.

The most accurate time to take a home pregnancy test (hpt) is first thing in the morning. Your hCG hormone levels are highest at that point, and your urine is more concentrated. It is possible to get a positive later in the day, but you have more of a chance of it being accurate if you take it first thing in the morning. This is especially true if you do not know when to expect your period.

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When to Take a Pregnancy Test Tip #3: Take the pregnancy test at least ten days after ovulation.

If you know when you ovulated, you can try to take an early pregnancy test as early as ten days after ovulation. It is possible that you hCG levels might not be high enough, so if it’s negative, don’t consider it to be definite. Ideally, it is best to wait until at least fourteen days after ovulation. To learn more about the signs of ovulation, please read “When Do I Ovulate? Signs of Ovulations and How to Detect Ovulation.” (Click here to read the article.)

When to Take a Pregnancy Test Tip #4: Take the pregnancy test fourteen days after the time you think you might have conceived.

If you think you know the day you conceived, take the pregnancy test fourteen days after. You could have ovulated a few days after intercourse, but still be pregnant. (Sperm can live inside of you for several days.)

When to Take a Pregnancy Test Tip #5
: If you must know now, a blood test is more accurate.

If there are circumstances where you need to know immediately (such as you need to take a medication that can cause birth defects), a blood test is more accurate. Call your doctor and request a blood test, or visit a local clinic. There are two types of pregnancy blood tests. One will simply tell you whether or not your are pregnant (like a urine HPT),and the other can actually tell you how high your hcG and progesterone levels are, therefore possibly pinpointing how pregnant you are.

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When to Take a Pregnancy Test Tip #6: Take a pregnancy test when you have symptoms, and there is a chance you could be pregnant.

If in doubt, and you can afford it, you can always take a pregnancy test when you pregnancy symptoms and there is a chance that you could have conceived. Read “Early Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms: 15 Ways to Know” for more insight. (Click here to read the article.) You can purchase pregnancy tests online in bulk at a much cheaper price. (Google “pregnancy tests”.

For steps on how to take a pregnancy test, please read “How To Take a Pregnancy Test Correctly.” If you cannot afford a pregnancy test, read “Where to Get a Free Pregnancy Test.” Good Luck!
