What to Expect When Getting Dentures

When facing the decision of getting full dentures, upper and lowers, know your not alone. Arm yourself with some facts. Your primary care physician will have to provide a blood work up. Full set of x-rays are required. Many impressions will be taken followed by remaining teeth extractions. Stitches will aid the healing process at each tooth site. The placement of immediate dentures will increase salivia and effect your speech and eating habits. You will also need some supplies to care for your dentures.

Once you have made your decision to get dentures, buy the supplies you will need to maintain your dentures before hand. You will need a keeper or teeth hopper to soak them in. Use 1/2 water and 1/2 mouthwash in the hopper. Dentures must remain in the hopper when not in use so they don’t dry out and possibly crack. Use only a denture brush on your dentures. Use only toothpaste that is made just for dentures. Never submerge your dentures in cold water, use warm water only. You may need to buy a dental denture adhesive to help aid in the fit of your dentures as your gums heal and shrink.

Store your denture hopper in a safe place to avoid an accident of the hopper getting knocked to the floor by another family member or a family pet. Dentures don’t come with any guarantees, you break them, you pay for them to be remade again. A good rule to live by is to treat your dentures like they are made out of glass.

Most importantly, don’t view getting dentures as the end of dentist appointments. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s a very long process, even if everything goes right. You may have to submit to a dozen impressions until they get the alignment and fit correct. Every case is different.

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Your dentist may ask if you have had a blood work up lately and request a copy. Your dentist will take impressions of your teeth to ensure a good fit. They need to take impressions of upper and lower teeth so they can create a denture that agrees with your bite and jaw line. This is completely painless. At most it is gross. A tray of very sweet bubble gun tasting goop is inserted in your mouth and you simply bite down for a few minutes and they take it out. It’s fast and necessary.

The next step is getting your remaining teeth extracted. It is an experience. The dentist will numb your mouth as in any other major dental work. You can expect mild to moderate pain after the extractions. Everyone has a different level of pain they can manage. You will be stitched up at the tooth sites. These stitches will dissolve at their own will in about 2 weeks. Your dentist may give you a prescription for pain and or infection. Warm water and salt rinses will aid in the healing process. Ice applied for 15 minutes on the mouth area will help to keep the swelling down.

If you have opted for immediate dentures, they will be placed into your mouth as soon as all your teeth are extracted. Don’t expect total elation to set in at this point. You won’t truly appreciate them until you feel better. Then you will love the way they look. They may seem foreign at first.

Your dentures will slowly become a part of you. Expect an increase in saliva. It’s just a part of the process that will ease up as you heal and your mouth gets use to them. Keep handy some mint’s to suck on to bridge the transition. A good month and this problem will dissipate.

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As your gums heal your denture fit will change. They can become loose-at this point you will want to use a denture adhesive to help keep them in place. As even more time lapses you may need to have them relined. A process that can be done in the dentist office. The uppers are easier for most people to get use to and the lowers are harder to fit and keep put.

Eating can be a challenge, as you master the art of chewing all over again. Soft foods are tolerated with ease. Your eating habits will change considerably. Be patience as it will improve with time. You will find yourself eating foods that you couldn’t eat the month before. You may have to check your dentures after you eat because you lose the sensation of knowing when food is trapped in-between your teeth.

Your speech could also suffer at the onset. Another challenge of dentures. The “S” and “T” sounds are most difficult. You will find yourself slurring words and people saying huh to you alot. You will need to repeat your words often. Time is the answer and speaking will become second nature once again.

Not all immediate dentures work out for the best. There are some horror stories of people that just couldn’t get the right fit and had painful dentures to live with. This is also the reason why a full set of x-rays are required, to help the dentist realize if you are a good canidate for dentures. The dentist will make a decision on the bone structure of your jaw. There are cases where people found out the hard way that they were allergic to the materials dentures are made of. If you are a person with allergic reactions discuss it with your dentist before hand.

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Depending on your situation and your speed of healing-you can expect to be visiting your dentist weekly to twice a month. Your permanent dentures can be fitted in 6 months to a year. Mean while your dentures will become a natural part of you. The confidence to smile is restored. Suddenly you have the courage to speak freely without the worry of how to hide your mouth with each breath. You’ll feel better about yourself and find it easy to look in the mirror.