What to Expect from a Children’s Beauty Pageant

There are so many perfect children at a beauty pageant that it can seem overwhelming having your child in the mix. The pageants that involve several categories and scholarship money are the best ones to become involved in because there is more potential than just a crown and sash. There are several benefits in having your child experience being in a beauty pageant, as well as several pitfalls. The following is what you can expect from a children’s beauty pageant.

The preliminaries are the qualifying round prior to the state level beauty pageant. These pageants are generally low key and inexpensive. There is no prize money involved, only a small tiara and trophy. Often, at these pageants, if there are minimal contestants in each age group, each contestant will be invited to attend the state level. This does not mean anything as far as the competition goes; the pageant people are just trying to make as much money as possible. They should not be discredited for this. Once you have qualified through the preliminaries, you will receive a packet including the information you will need for the state level. This packet will include the date and location, as well as an explanation of the different categories, and cost for entering your child into each. There should also be an entry form.

It is important to be prepared well in advance of the pageant dates. Choose which categories you will be putting your child into. There is no rule saying you must enter every category. If you attend to compete for the overall title, and the subsequent cash prize, then you must enter all categories that re judged for the overall competition. You can expect the following categories or similar categories at most beauty pageants:

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Formal: This is where your daughter wears her pageant dress. A great place to get pageant dresses is at bridal salons. Many pageants are requiring that small children not have “pageant” hair and make-up. They want to see your child’s natural beauty.

Casual or Daycare: This category includes clothing you would send your child to school in on school picture day, or perhaps an important gathering, such as church or a party.

Swimwear: This category pretty much speaks for itself.

Model Search: For this category, your child will probably need to wear a black leotard and tights. There should be no make-up and simple hair. If scouts will be at the competition, then this is your child’s chance to shine.

Photogenic: A picture will be required on the day of registration.

Portfolio: This is a book of up to 10 pictures of your child. While professional portraits are allowed, many judges like to see a mixture of candid and professional. Don’t go out and spend money on professional pictures, just put together a decent looking set of prints. These should be 8×10 pictures.

Composite: The composite is an 8×10 sheet of photo paper with several pictures of your child collaged on it. A lot of people will simply tape the pictures to a card stock, and this is acceptable. If you want to make the best impression, then do a little work in Photoshop or similar program and create a composite that way. It looks much more professional.

Other categories that may not be factored into the overall title include: best hair, best smile, best personality best dressed (formal), and various other optional clothing categories. If you choose to enter these and win, you will receive a small tiara and trophy.

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The first day of any pageant begins with registration, orientation, and possibly the interview. The second day is for the competition. On competition day, you can expect to have several hours between each of your categories, as each age group is judged. This can become quite difficult for younger children. Try to keep them well rested and definitely well fed. More than likely, each category has a separate set of judges. This is so that one child is not favored over another. The photograph categories are judged separately. A great way to get your child smiling and happy onstage is to provide some juice right before, this gives them a little sugar boost without an inevitable sugar crash ten minutes later. The third day will be for crowning.

There will be children and parents at the pageant that are very hyped on winning. It is possible to get too caught up in the competition. To ensure both you and your child have a good time, don’t get too caught up and don’t pressure your child. Let them know that this is for fun and to have fun with it. If you tell your child to have fun, they are more willing to go up on stage and smile and be silly. The judges like to see this. This is what you can expect from entering your child into a beauty pageant. Remember to have fun and be prepared in advance.