Duties of a Sports Team Mom

Soccer mom, baseball mom, hockey mom – no matter what type of sports your child participates in, chances are, the team will require a team mom. Being a team mom is hard work, and requires a lot of time and effort, however it is a great way to be involved with your child. Younger children really enjoy having a woman in the dugout (or sidelines) that they can look up to, and turn to for assistance and guidance.

The duties of a team mom can vary. The responsibilities depend on the sport, and how involved the coach will be in the organizational process. However, the basic premise is that the team mom will handle all administrative and organizational duties. Here is a summation of what the duties of a team mom can include.

Each team member will need to be reminded of game dates and times, and also of any practices that will be held. This is usually done over the phone. Team mom’s are responsible for making these calls. Some teams have gone to sending emails instead of making phone calls, which is MUCH easier, but is not practical for everyone.

The team mom is almost always responsible for keeping score, and maintaining peace inside the dugout (or sidelines). In addition to keeping score, the team mom needs to keep the players in batting order (for baseball), help with equipment, and keep the children ready behaved and ready for action.

Paper schedules are handed out at the beginning of the season, but oftentimes they are misplaced. The team mom should keep extra copies of any important information with her at all times.

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Once the player’s parents know who the team mom is, they will go to her for EVERYTHING. The team mom is the communication hub of the team. She will be informed when a child will not be at a game, if a child will be late, or if a player needs transportation to and from an event.

If uniforms need to be ordered, the team mom will need to collect money from parents and obtain clothing sizes for the children. She will need to place the order and also pick up the uniforms when they ready. It is her responsibility to hand out the uniforms to the children when they arrive. (this is a fun job!)

Toward the middle of the sports season, the team will have their photos taken. The team mom is the person that needs to find a photographer, schedule the session, and notify the parents of the picture day. She should provide both written notification, and follow up with a phone call, as well.

Snacks are usually handed out at the end of each game. A snack schedule will need to be coordinated and passed out to everyone. The team mom can pass around a blank calendar, indicating which dates have games, and allow parents to fill in which day they will be bringing snacks. Copies of the page can be printed and handed out. This is a simple way to fill this duty.

If trophies are not provided by the county or city, then the team mom will need to coordinate them as well. She is responsible for collecting money, placing orders, and picking up the trophies upon completion.

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Typically, an end of the season party is thrown for the members of the team and their family. The team mom can book a party location, and notify everyone of the event. If the coach is not paying for the party, then the team mom will need to collect the funds from each parent. The trophies are handed out at the end of the season party, and if a gift is purchased for the coach, it is presented it to him then. (the team mom is also responsible for collecting money for the gift and purchasing it)

With all the work that is involved with being a team mom, you may wonder why ANYONE would volunteer to do such a thing! I was a team mom for my son’s team one year, and I found it to be a very rewarding experience. Yes, there was work involved, and it did take a lot of time. In fact, I originally did not want the responsibility. But once I began the job, I was surprised at how much I liked it. Being a team mom is a great way to connect with your child, and get to know the other kids on the team. The year that I was the team mom, I learned a lot about the sport of baseball and also helped out with the coaching aspect, as well.

If the duties of being team mom turn out to be too much, there is always the option of delegating responsibility to other parents. Ask one to collect the funds for the trophies, ask another to organize a snack schedule, etc. Suggest that the coach be responsible for making the phone calls, or passing out important papers or schedules. Most of the time, everyone will be willing to pitch in to make the job easier.

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** To read more from this author, CLICK HERE.


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