What to Expect at Your Baby’s Four Month Old Doctor’s Visit

For a first time mother, doctor’s visits can be nerve racking and confusing. Usually by the four month check up you’ve already done this kind of visit once or twice, but every visit different questions need to be answered by you and you may have other concerns that you need your doctor to address.

Just as before, when the appointment begins, make sure to be getting your child undressed right away. The nurse will need to weigh and measure the baby. This may be the first time they measure your child’s head. This is done to see how well your child’s brain is growing. Don’t get your child dressed, except in a diaper and wrap them in a blanket. When the nurse is done it is time to nurse your child if he is hungry or bottle feed if that is your preference. Before coming to the doctor’s office try not to feed the baby so that you can feed her in front of the doctor if you’re having any problems. This way they can see first hand if there are problems at all. This may be the time, as the doctor sees the baby feeding, when he asks how the baby is eating. It is important to take two to three days of feeding time (nursing) and ounces (bottle feeding) and average them out and write them down.

In comes the doctor to check your child’s body and make sure all if functioning and growing properly. This may be the point in time when the doctor will ask about bowel movements and how many wet diapers the baby goes through a day. Keeping track of this for two to three days before you arrive will help the appointment move along faster. A note here: make sure you bring an extra diaper and baby wipes. Not all offices have those to offer you. If you have questions after he is done, ask them before you get your child dressed. And when you do get her dressed, make sure it is only an onesie. Don’t forget, there are shots your child needs at the end of the appointment. As before the doctor will want to know how your baby is sleeping. Note how often your child sleeps for a week before the appointment. Take an average and your doctor will get the idea. If there are problems with excessive crying, this would be a good time to address them to the doctor.

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In terms of milestones, there are several things to look for between that two month check up and this four month check up. Can your child sit up with support? Can he grab things? Is she reaching for toys and other objects? Are her legs straight most of the time or can he bounce on them when you try to hold him up to a standing position? Can she roll over? Both ways (back to front and front to back) or just one way? These all have to do with coordination and strength. So keep an eye out for these before you go in.

In terms of vision and hearing you will be looking for about the same things you did before the two month old check up. But, this time try to notice the way in which your child responds to noise and the way your child looks at things. If they seem a little odd to you, bring them up to the doctor. Better to be safe and get the treatment your baby may need than to be afraid to ask a question in fear of looking foolish.

After all this is over, it is time for you to ask the questions. Anything you notice before the appointment that you have questions about, write them down and bring them with you. They may be important things that only a doctor would know is important. When this question/answer session is over, it’s time to get those shots. This time you may be asked, depending on how strong your baby is, to help hold them on the table while they administer the shots. If you’re afraid, but there is no one else to do it, just place your hands where they need to go and look away or stare at your baby’s face and smile and talk to him. As always, when the shots are over, take a few moments to comfort your child before getting him fully dressed and going home.

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Doctor’s appointments can be frazzling, but being prepared can make the whole process much smoother.