Ten Ways for Adults to Enjoy a Rainy Day

A rainy day can put a damper on the best weekend plans. Instead of getting frustrated, try one of these rainy day activities for adults.

Ten Ways for Adults to Enjoy a Rainy Day #1: Take Pictures

Rainstorms are beautiful things to look at. As the storm rolls in, grab your camera and take pictures. This is a wonderful way for adults to enjoy a rainy day, because it forces you to get outside and be creative.

Ten Ways for Adults to Enjoy a Rainy Day #2: Movie Marathon

When’s the last time you spent the whole day watching movies? I bet it’s been a while. The next time you’re faced with a rainy day, break out your favorite movies and actually enjoy them. While the kids are playing in their room, you could take the time and actually watch movies that adults enjoy, rather than mindless drivel.

Ten Ways for Adults to Enjoy a Rainy Day #3: Catch Up on Reading

We’ve all got huge stacks of books that we keep meaning to read, but with today’s hectic lifestyle it’s hard to find time to do so. But, a rainy day is the perfect time to catch up on your reading. If you have kids, don’t just reserve this activity for adults. Encourage your kids to read as well.

Ten Ways for Adults to Enjoy a Rainy Day #4: Recycle Old Magazines

Along with becoming an adult, comes a thousand different magazine subscriptions. There are magazines you don’t even remember subscribing to and you never have time to read them all. The ones that you have read, all contain information that you found useful so you’ve decided to keep them. When a rainy day arrives, take time to cut out the useful information you’ve found and tape it into a notebook. Then you’ll have all the information you need in one spot.

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Ten Ways for Adults to Enjoy a Rainy Day #5: Cook Your Favorite Comfort Food

During the week, many adults turn to fast food or a quick meal, but a rainy day can be different. On a rainy day, prepare your favorite comfort food. Whether it’s meatloaf of a turkey dinner, take the time to actually make a delicious meal from scratch. This is something that is good for the soul.

Ten Ways for Adults to Enjoy a Rainy Day #6: Bake a Cake

When’s the last time you made a cake from scratch? Never?!? Well, it’s time you got in the kitchen and made a cake. A rainy day is the perfect time for adults to work on their baking skills, as long as the recipe doesn’t contain yeast. Cakes and frostings are both easy to prepare and you’ll find millions of recipes online.

Ten Ways for Adults to Enjoy a Rainy Day #7: Play a Board Game

Adults seem to forget the simple pleasure that comes from playing a board game. Adults also might not realize that there are games that are made just for them. If you and your partner had big plans for the weekend, stay home playing a fun and exciting board game.

Ten Ways for Adults to Enjoy a Rainy Day #8: Take a Nap

The best time to sleep is during a rain storm. So, the next rainy day that comes along, take advantage of it and catch up on your sleep. Too many adults spend days working long hours and rarely get the amount of sleep that they should. A nap is a wonderful way to enjoy a rainy day.

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Ten Ways for Adults to Enjoy a Rainy Day #9: Work on a Craft

With all the electronics that fill and adult’s home, it’s hard to remember to take time to enjoy the crafts that you use to work on. Pull out your cross-stitch books or quilt patterns and make something with your own two hands.

Ten Ways for Adults to Enjoy a Rainy Day #10: Go Shopping

A rainy day is the perfect time for adults to go shopping. Many people stay home on rainy days, so you’ll have a much more enjoyable time. You’ll actually be able to shop without feeling rushed.
