What to Do If You’re Bitten by a Scorpion

Have you ever been bitten by a scorpion? If your answer is yes, then you know what a painful experience it can be. In this article, I will discuss what it’s like to be bitten by a scorpion and what can be done about it.

First of all, how likely are you to be bitten by a scorpion? It depends on where you live. Scorpions inhabit various parts of the world, and they have adapted to a wide range of climates. I used to live in the south Texas countryside, where many scorpions exist.

I was probably bitten five or six times throughout the ten years that I lived in south Texas. It is an excruciatingly painful bite, but it is not commonly fatal. Some species of scorpions are fatal, but these are few and far between.

What is it like to be bitten by a scorpion? Well, like I said above, it hurts a lot. A throbbing stabbing pain is what you can expect to feel. And it takes a while to recover from the bite. Often times, a bump of some sort will appear where the scorpion bites you. When I was bitten, the bump that formed was white. While extremely painful, I discovered that popping the white bump eliminated it. I also suspect that the majority of the poison was removed.

If you are bitten, then try not to panic. Remember, a scorpion bite is very unlikely to be deadly. Just sit down and try to relax. I’ve found that the juice from an Aloe vera plant can provide relief from the pain; it also aids in the healing process.

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So how can you reduce your chances of being bitten by a scorpion? For starters, if you know there are scorpions in your specific corner of the globe, then be a little more careful. Check your shoes and make sure there isn’t a scorpion inside. Also, try to avoid going barefoot too much.

One other thing you can do is to poison your house more often. The poison will not likely kill the scorpions, but it will make it less likely for them to enter your home. Also, be sure to fill in all the cracks or holes in your house. Scorpions are more likely to gain access to your home through these imperfections.

Scorpion bites can cause you quite albeit of grief. However, it’s not the end of the world if you encounter one. Just be sure you’re prepared.


