What to Consider About Lean Cuisine Asian Pot Stickers

Health Factor
Lean Cuisine Asian Pot Stickers appear to be one of the healthiest frozen meals that I have eaten. They have 260 calories, which is much less than some other frozen dinners. The Lean Cuisine Asian Pot Stickers dinner is also low in fat and cholesterol. These health factors make this particular frozen meal an attractive choice for men and women who choose food based on their health benefits and potential risk factors. The Lean Cuisine Asian Pot Stickers frozen meal has some protein, which is worth noting.

The Asian Pot Stickers meal is part of a “One Dish Favorites” line from Lean Cuisine. It includes dumplings that are filled with cabbage, chicken, carrots and onions. There is a side dish that contains rice, red bell peppers and carrots. Although the website and packaging may state that the rice mixture also include broccoli, I had one containing sugar snap peas. This has created some confusion for me.

Either way, the side item came in a good sized portion as did the Asian Pot Stickers. However, this meal is not very filling. You would probably need at least two more Asian Pot Stickers in this frozen meal to be satisfied. Since I have seen smaller (but more expensive) pot stickers in a restaurant, I must say that Lean Cuisine has done a great job in making sure that there is an adequate amount of food in this meal. The sauce is helpful, but not overbearing. This is a nice aspect of the Lean Cuisine Asian Pot Stickers frozen meal.

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I bought the Lean Cuisine Asian Pot Stickers frozen meal on sale at $2.50. This was one of the best decisions made when it comes to this particular Lean Cuisine dinner. When you purchase something new, you never really know if it is going to be good or not. Therefore, it is best to buy as cheaply as possible when trying a new frozen dinner. Lean Cuisine Asian Pot Stickers frozen meals costs around $3 and up, but are on sale often. This is a great point to keep in mind if you enjoy this frozen meal.

Taste Test
The Lean Cuisine Asian Pot Stickers frozen meal is not the best. The side dish tastes okay, but is a little on the dry side. I would recommend mixing some of the sauce with the rice mixture to give it some additional flavor. Still, the rice and vegetables taste much better than the main course. The Lean Cuisine Asian Pot Stickers are too soggy and almost nauseating. I decided to just eat the chicken and other contents inside of these pot stickers and bypass the dumpling portion altogether. Eventually, I ended up just finishing the side item and throwing the rest of this frozen meal in the trash.

If you keep track of the sales at your local grocery store, it can be possible to stock up on Lean Cuisine Asian Pot Stickers frozen meals. One shopping trip may allow you to get enough to last for up to two weeks. They will stretch this long if you only eat one each day. This can all be obtained for around $20. Although the Pot Stickers were not very tasty, I do not feel like I wasted my money because it was only $2.50 and the side dish was tolerable. Still, I would not purchase this particular Lean Cuisine frozen meal again.

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It is good for a one-time lunch or dinner but not as a meal to eat on a regular basis. However, these Asian pot stickers may be enjoyable to those who like soft dumplings. If this describes you, Lean Cuisine Asian Pot Stickers may be a good choice to add to your freezer.