Are Frozen Dinners Healthy?

They’re so quick and convenient. Frozen dinners are the ultimate fast way to get dinner on the table in a jiffy. But are they healthy? There’s no doubt that frozen dinners have become less unhealthy over the years with the addition of such options as Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, and South Beach, among others. These dinners keep calories to a minimum in contrast to the more conventional “hungry man” style frozen entrees. Although there are some healthier choices when it comes to frozen dinners these days, they don’t necessarily substitute for a well planned freshly prepared dinner at home. Here are some of the health advantages and disadvantages of serving frozen dinners:

Are frozen dinners healthy? – Frozen dinners are high in sodium

If you read labels, you’ll probably see that most frozen dinners tend to be high in sodium, even the healthier ones. Most will contain a minimum of 600 mg of sodium and may have as much as 1,900 mg. With these high sodium values, it can be a challenge to stay within the recommended daily sodium intake of 2,400 mg. or less. The only way to get around this less than healthy aspect of frozen dinners is to choose ones at the lower end of the sodium range and watch your salt intake for the rest of the day.

Are frozen dinners healthy? – They contain preservatives

A close look at the ingredient list on most frozen dinners reveals the presence of preservatives such as BHT, shown to be a possible carcinogen in animals, as well as polysorbate 80 and propylene glycol, the same ingredient found in antifreeze. Although consuming these preservatives from an occasional frozen dinner is unlikely to be harmful, combining frozen dinners with other processed foods on a daily basis could expose you to more preservatives than you need. There are now organic frozen dinners available that are free of questionable preservatives which may be a healthier alternative. Look for some of the newer organic frozen dinner options.

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Are frozen dinners healthy? – They’re often high in sugar

Many “healthy” frozen dinners are high in sugar, although it can be tricky determining this by reading the label. Sugars are often listed in the form of high-fructose corn syrup (a big “no-no”), dextrose, and maltodextrin. To clarify how much sugar is actually in a frozen dinner, look for the grams of sugar on the nutrition facts label.

Are frozen dinners healthy? – They’re weak on fruits and vegetables

Although the entrĂ©e in a healthy frozen dinner is often a full serving, the vegetable sides included with it are often well under a serving and, in some cases, are almost non-existent. It’s rare to find fruit in a frozen dinner unless it happens to be part of a fruit dessert. If you eat frozen dinners as your primary meal, it’s unlikely you’ll even come close to getting the recommended five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.

Are frozen dinners healthy? – They help with portion control

Other than convenience, this is probably the biggest advantage to frozen dinners. They make it easy to control how much you eat. There’s no guess work in terms of how many calories you’re consuming since it’s clearly printed on the nutritional label.

Although certain frozen dinners are advertised as being healthy, it pays to read nutritional labels before purchasing to keep your sodium intake under control and to be aware that most frozen dinners won’t provide all the nutrients you need, particularly when it comes to fruits and vegetables.