What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions

Life has become stressful for many of us in this competitive world. As life changes, we learn to control emotions and change them according to different situations. How many of us know that brain is the reason for inducing emotions depending on the situation? We will be able to control these emotions only if our brain works fine. This article will help the readers to understand what part of the brain controls emotions.

Left and Right Hemisphere of the brain to control emotions:

Brain activities are divided into two parts according to the right or left hemisphere of the brain in controlling emotions. The right hemisphere is responsible for visual activities and organizing or grouping. The left hemisphere is responsible for analyzing these visualized activities. When the right side of the brain is injured it makes the person unable to process things or activities. When the left side of the brain is injured or affected it affects the person to do complex problems or activities.

Anterior Cingulate Cortex in the brain interferes with the emotion processing region and its activities:

The ventral part of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) is connected to Amygdala which is known as the major center for operating emotional occurrences. According to the researches done by Amit Etkin, Joy Hirsh and other collegues from Columbia University Medical Center, Neurological institute concluded that activity in the amygdala, dorosomedial, dorsolateral prefrontal cortices by the rostral cingulate cortex are the reasons found in people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder or depression and why they are not able to control emotions and differentiate them from their thoughts. To summarize, Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) is the reason behind emotions such as decision making, expectation and empathy. When ACC is affected, people tend to develop eating disorders, depression related health conditions and post traumatic stress disorder.

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Neuron in the brain communicates memories and plans:

Brain works like a system where electrical and chemical components integrate. There are 100 different brain cells known neurons work as a team to stimulate the brain function. Chemicals such as dopamine, epinephrine or norepinephrine act as transmitters to create and communicate memories and plans from one neuron to another. A chemical spit out by neurons through axons (like a long little wire) or dendrites work as a highly specialized receptor to communicate those chemical and electrical messages into more specific information. When neurons are affected it can lead to multiple neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), Char-coat-Marie tooth disease(CMT), Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Myasthenia Gravis.

Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in the brain helps in planning and focus:

Cortical regions of the frontal lobe of your brain is where prefrontal cortex can be found. Prefrontal cortex is further divided in to three different areas such as limbic frontal lobe, mesial prefrontal and dorsolateral. PFC is the part of the brain that has high number of interconnections between brainstem and limbic system. These interconnections make Prefrontal cortex responsible for controlling focus, planning, pleasure, pain, rage, panic, anger and sexual feelings in human beings. When prefrontal cortex goes low in activity the person’s organizing power also goes down. If the prefrontal cortex goes high in activity it can lead to anxiety related health disorders.

It is important to protect our brain from head injuries. Most of the head injuries happen because of accidents. Why not sincerely practice all the safety precautions while traveling like wearing a seat belt, helmet or follow traffic rules? Prevention is always better than cure.

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How The Brain Controls Emotions, MedicalnewsToday
Resolving Emotional Conflict: A Role for the Rostral Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Modulating Activity in the Amygdala cell.com/neuron
Anterior cingulate cortex, Wikipedia
Prefrontal Cortex, Brainexplorer