What is Meals on Wheels and How Does it Work?

Most of us have heard of the Meals on Wheels program, but few of us really know what the program is about. For myself, it wasn’t until my Dad’s Hospice Social Worker recommended Meals on Wheels that I really learned what this program really involved. If you are considering a Meals on Wheels program for your parents, this information may help:

What is Meals on Wheels?

Meals on Wheels is a federal food assistance program that delivers hot, well balanced meals to millions of seniors, the disabled, and people “at risk” every year who are otherwise unable to prepare meals on their own. The food is prepared in commercial kitchens and delivered by a team of volunteers, with each meal providing 1/3 of a senior’s daily nutritional needs.

What kind of food can I expect?

Meals are prepared according to federal guidelines for senior nutrition with each meal including at least 3 ounces of meat, 2 portions of fruit and vegetables, one serving of dairy, one of bread, a teaspoon of butter or margarine, and one dessert.

To give you an example of the meals provided by Meals on Wheels, my parents received such delicious entrees as Salisbury steak, barbecued pork sandwiches, Taco Salad, meat casseroles, meat loaf, bacon & eggs, biscuits & sausages, and other items that were rich in nutrition but easy on the digestion. And, along with the entrees came a nice dessert, dinner rolls, veggies and fresh fruit, all packaged up in microwave containers.

Most Meals on Wheels agencies provide seniors with a weekly menu of meals they can choose from. They can even prepare special meals for seniors with specific dietary needs.

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How much does it cost?

While some of the funding does come through federal grants, money is also donated for the program by local social service groups, local businesses, and even private donors.

The program is free for low income seniors, but those who can pay are often encouraged to make a small donation to help defer costs. Our local Meals on Wheels agency asked for a recommended donation of $3 per meal, which was very reasonable considering the amount of food provided and the fact that it was delivered directly to Mom & Dad’s doorstep. Other agencies may charge slightly more or slightly less.

How often are meals delivered?

While larger organizations in larger cities may be able to deliver hot food twice a day 5 days a week, smaller communities may have limited deliveries. In my parents case, their local Meals on Wheels agency only delivered food twice a week. The meals arrived in individual containers, and were packed so they could be easily refrigerated.

Who runs Meals on Wheels?

Local Meals on Wheels agencies are managed by a wide assortment of organizations. Some are managed through the County Health Department or local Food Banks. Others are managed through Senior Citizen Centers, church groups, or local hospitals.

Meals on Wheels organizations aren’t always listed in the phone book; to find a local Meals on Wheels agency in your community, call the 411 Care Line or visit the national Meals on Wheel home page located at Www.mowaa.org for a user friendly agency locator tool.
