What is Erythritol Sweetener

One of the most popular items around lately for natural sugar choices is erythritol sweetener. You may not always know where this item is contained in the food that you eat or the drinks that you drink. But one example of a product that will contain Erithritol is Vitamin Water 10.

So what exactly is this product? It is a sugar alcohol and a sweetener that will offer you a good taste, but not near as many calories as you would get if sugar was in the product. However, there is a reason why you get fewer calories when you have this item inside of a drink or other foods. Because when you have sugar alcohol in your system the body will not fully absorb it into the body.

Because of that fact alone you may find that if you have too much sugar alcohol in your diet that you will experience problems like diarrhea or abdominal gas. As well as the fact if you continue to add more of those sugar alcohols into your body, you may find that you are not really saving calories.

Though, with the intake of sugar alcohols, as long as you do it at a reasonable level, they will not hurt your body, such as the use of xylitol. This product will not spike those levels of blood sugar in the same way that you would have happen if you had high fructose corn syrup in the product.

If you also remember the company, Coca-Cola, who produces this Vitamin Water, was named in a class action suit. The problem was that the water was being sold as a product that was supposedly healthy and full of vitamins that the body needed each day. Or in other words they were trying to sell it as a product that was not really healthy but really like a soda instead.

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Besides the erythritol sweetener there are other items that you can find in this Vitamin water that are just as bad for you, like crystalline fructose. Instead of the flavored water that you feel you are getting the product is one that has more than 33 grams or six teaspoons of sugar.

Crystalline Fructose is actually worse for the human body than that of high fructose corn syrup. This is a man-made fructose that will metabolize to triglycerides as well as adipose tissue. This is a fructose that will not help stimulate the production of insulin in the body and will not enhance any leptin production either. Meaning that instead of losing weight by eating less you could actually see a gain in the pounds that you carry.

With more triglycerides being taken into the body you could also increase the chances for heart disease being developed. Along with that you have to think about the other things that can come along with crystalline fructose too, like lead, heavy metals, arsenic, and chloride.

Though it would seem like this product was once a good thing, it really was not the item that it seemed to be.