What is a Magnetic Message?

Even if you’ve read about this before in my articles or it is the first time you’ve encountered this idea, I will keep on emphasising the fact that it is essential in a coaching business to have a Magnetic Message. For those who develop their coaching business online, the message is the first thing your clients read about you, their first contact with you. And to be honest, people nowadays need to be wowed from your very first line to give you their attention. People are too busy and do not have 30 minutes to listen to you or read a boring description of your work and services. They want to know right from the start what you can do to help them and what they will get from working with you. It is that simple!

There are a few rules which define a Magnetic Message and this is why you need a Magnetic Messagefor a successful coaching business:

  • It is a message that resonates with your audience. You don’t have 30 minutes to convince people that you can help them. If you don’t know what to say to your audience, they won’t know why they should work with you.
  • It is a message that allows you to stand out among other coaches. Because many other entrepreneurs are doing the same thing as you, you either get lost amongst the crowd or you shine through and show your brilliance. And the best way to stand out is to use your own skills, talents and abilities; what you do best in your area of expertise.
  • It helps people realise they can achieve greater results. Your message needs to help people understand that what you are offering is exactly what they are looking for. It should also motivate and inspire them to work for their results, to get involved in the process.
  • It reinforces your business in everything you do; site content, articles, newsletters, products or programmes. All your products and programmes must deliver the same Magnetic Message; cohesion is extremely important in everything you provide for your clients.
  • It is the very essence of your mission. You are in this business to help as many people as possible, and that is what your Magnetic Message should say about you. Without a Magnetic Message, you become generic, and nobody wants to work with generic coaches. They want one particular person to help them with a specific problem in order to get one specific solution.
  • All your business should be built around this message. Because if you don’t have a message, people won’t even know you exist. It is essential for the success of your business to build everything around a coherent, impactful message.
  • It helps you reach your audience in a way that they will UNDERSTAND you! You must speak your clients’ language. Do not get tangled up in coaching terms, keep it clear and simple, have a strong impact throughout your message, speak from your heart and clients will definitely want to work with you.
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Please remember that whatever strategy you use to promote and develop your coaching business, it will not be effective without a powerful Magnetic Message. It represents the essence of your entire business and it is the the #1 reason for success in everything you do.

For more details on how to create your own Magnetic Message, ask for your free copy of my “Discover Your Magnetic Message” document at http://coachingandsuccess.com.