Life Coaching Niche Ideas

Are you considering becoming a life coach and starting a life coaching business? Are you looking for insight or ideas to help you become more focused and streamline your life coaching business? Why not consider specializing in a particular area of life coaching? Here is a list of 8 interesting and fun life coaching specializations that you may not have considered.

1, Career Coaching

Career coaches assist their clients in areas related to individual career goals. For instance, as a career coach, you may work with your client around getting a new job or career change. You may help your client explore employment options and create or write a resume and cover letter. Career coaches also do some interview coaching.

2. Executive Coaching

Executive coaches assist their clients with a variety of issues mainly pertaining to employee performance and corporate change. An executive coach may be hired by a company to assist a newly promoted executive adjust to his/her environment or to help a manager better communicate with his/her employees. You may also be hired by a company to help groups transition when there are major changes in the workplace, i.e. procedural changes, reorganizations and downsizing. Executive coaches provide a supportive, non-judgmental outlet for employees to voice concerns and opinions.

3. Relationship Coaching

Relationship coaches work with both single individuals and couples who are seeking to better their relationships. As a relationship coach, you may be hired by individual clients to help them set goals pertaining to dating and socializing, or you may be hired by couples to help them better communicate with each other.

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4. Christian Coaching

Christian coaches work with their clients to gain understanding about how their personal life issues mesh with their moral values Christian coaches may be hired by individual clients, couples or corporations seeking faith-based understanding regarding personal or professional fulfillment.

5. Image or Style Coaching

Image and style coaches work with their clients in areas related to personal or professional appearance. As an image or style coach your clients will hire you to assist them with wardrobe and accessory choices that best represent the image they want to project. Image and style coaches may work with anyone from recent college graduates who are entering the workforce for the first time to executives who have been recently promoted.

6. Wellness Coaching

Wellness coaches work with their clients in areas related to health and wellness. As a wellness coach you may assist your clients with a step-by-step plan for living a more healthy lifestyle. For example, you may help your clients set goals around proper diet and nutrition, or support them in maintaining a fitness regimen.

7. Sales Coaching

Sales coaches work with their clients in areas related to salesmanship and communication. As a sales coach your clients will hire you to motivate and inspire them to new heights in their sales careers. Sales coaches are hired by individual clients as well as groups and corporations and help their clients set goals, improve selling techniques and develop effective personal marketing strategies.

8. Transformational Coaching

Transformational coaches work with their clients in areas related to personal achievement. As a transformational coach, your clients will hire you to help them gain clarity about their goals and dreams through a process of self-discovery. You will also assist your clients with mapping out a specific plans of action for turning those dreams and goals into a reality.

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Tips and Considerations

As a life coach, you do not necessarily need to have the same level of professional experience as your clients. Your expertise is inspiring and motivating them to utilize their skills and abilities to achieve the goals they have set for themselves.

When choosing a life coaching specialization, don’t forget to take into account your personal interests and goals. If you are passionate about an area outside of those mentioned here, you may be able to carve out your own niche and develop a coaching practice based on the needs of those clients.