Weight Watchers Snacks for Under 3 Points

Weight Watchers is one of the most popular weight loss programs on the market. A person on this program will use a calculation of calories, fat grams and fiber in a food to determine its “point” value. People who are on this program covet low point foods and snacks. Low point snacks that offer a decent amount of food for hungry munchers are searched for continuously. Below you will find some of the most popular, great tasting and low point snacks out there. Hopefully you will find something to curb your growling stomach and help you lose weight at the same time.

Fat-Free Pudding Cups – There are many varieties of pudding cups on the market these days, but my favorite brand is Hunts. The Hunts Fat Free pudding cups are only 1 point per cup. There is usually a steady supply of chocolate and vanilla pudding cups in my fridge at all times.

Sugar Free Jello w/Fat Free Cool Whip This snack is actually a 0 point snack, although some people like to calculate two 0’s into 1 point. So either way you look at it, sugar free Jello and fat free Cool Whip is a low point and very tasty snack.

Fruits: Fresh & Dried – We all know that we should be eating lots of fruits and veggies during our days, but did you know that fruits are actually very low points? Dried fruits tend to be higher in points than fresh fruits, by only 1 or 2 points, but they make excellent snacks when you can’t carry around fresh fruits. I enjoy dried apricots. You can eat six dried apricots for only 2 WW points.

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Vegetables & Dressing – Yes, of course vegetables are good for you. Many of them are also 0 WW points. Therefore, if you combine the 0 point veggies with a fat free dressing to dip them in, you can have a great tasting and healthy snack for 1-2 WW points.

100 Calorie Snack Packs – We’ve all seen them in the stores and advertised on television. Some of you may have even tried them, myself included. There are so many 100 calorie snack packs on the market that you shouldn’t have any problems finding something to satisfy your cravings. There are cookies, chips, popcorn and even snack crackers, along with numerous other types of snacks that are all prepackaged in a single 100 calorie serving size. These snack packs will generally run you approximately 2 WW points. They are easy to carry with you too.

Popsicles – I bet you thought that popsicles were beyond your points range. I’m here to say “NOPE!” All you have to do in order to enjoy a nice cool popsicle is check out the Popsicle brand. They have some yummy tropical fruit popsicles that are only 0 points! Yes, that’s right….0 points! Hooray for popsicles!

Snack Bars – Snack bars are another great snacking idea that are easy to carry along with you throughout your day. The Curves brand has a few snack bars that are both great tasting and only 2 WW points. Beware of snack bars though, as all snack bars are not created equal. You will need to check out different brands’ points values with your WW slider or points calculator. Some snack bars are outrageously high in points.

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The snacks listed above are great for those out there who like to be able to simply grab something and eat it. Below you will find a few recipes for low point snacks that you will have to make, but they shouldn’t take you long. Enjoy!

Pineapple Cake –

Ingredients: 1 Box Angel Food Cake, 1 20oz can of Crushed Pineapples, Lite Cool Whip

Directions: Combine angel food cake with the can of pineapples (do not drain). Mix and cook according to angel food cake directions. Top with Cool Whip.

This dessert makes sixteen servings at only 2 WW points per serving.

Cool Whip Pie –

Ingredients: 2/3 boiling water, 1 4oz package of sugar free Jello (any flavor), 1/2 cup cold water, ice cubes, 1 tub Cool While Lite topping, 1 prepared graham cracker crust

Directions: Stir boiling water into Jello until dissolved, about two minutes. Mix cold water and ice to make 1 cup. Add to Jello and mix with whisk until ice is melted. Stir in Cool Whip with whisk until smooth. Refrigerate for 15-20 minutes, until mixture thickens and will mound. Spoon into crust and then refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

This dessert makes eight servings at 1 WW point each.

Frozen Peanut Butter Cups

Ingredients: 1 8oz tub of Cool Whip Lite, 1/3 cup reduced fat peanut butter, Hershey’s Lite chocolate syrup

Directions: Whisk 1 cup Cool Whip with peanut butter and mix thoroughly. Fold remaining Cool Whip into peanut butter mixture. Line a muffin tin with 12 paper liners and spoon about 1 1/2 tablespoons into each liner. Top each with 1 teaspoon of chocolate syrup. Freeze until hardened.

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This dessert makes 12 servings and 2 WW points each.

In the end, snacks with low point values will always be attractive to people on the Weight Watchers program. We all love snacks and with these items even those of us dieting can satiate our sweet tooth. Good luck and happy snacking!

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