Weight Loss Tips: Quick Metabolism Boosters

Metabolism boosters “turn up the volume” of everything that happens in your body. In the five minutes that it takes to read this article, you can learn two tips and tricks to boost your metabolism so that you can achieve your weight loss goals. When you practice quick metabolism boosters like these, you’ll burn calories, and feel more energetic. Any one of these quick metabolism boosters will help you raise the amount of calories that your body uses throughout the day, and each one takes less than five minutes. These metabolism boosters will help you achieve weight loss success no matter what diet you’re following, and can help you feel more vibrant no matter what your schedule throws at you. Since they’re so fast, you can easily make room for one or two of these quick metabolism boosters in your busy daily life, so why not give them a try. You’re sure to feel, and see, the difference once you’ve tried these fast jolts that will supercharge your metabolism so that you can achieve your weight loss goals, so why not read on and learn these two quick metabolism boosters? You have nothing to lose but extra pounds!

Have A Cup Of Green Tea
Green tea is packed with natural metabolism boosters. The metabolism boosters in green tea can have a visible impact on your waistline. In fact, scientific studies suggest that drinking a single cup of green tea once a day can raise your body’s basal metabolic rate (aka, how many calories you burn each day) as much as 5% over the course of a year. That means that a 30 year old woman who is 5’4″ and weighs 130 pounds could lose over 7 pounds in a year due solely to the metabolism boosters in green tea! Green tea is a great complement to any weight loss plan or program. Plus, in addition to the metabolism boosters that will give your weight loss an extra kick, green tea is also packed with antioxidants, which help prevent cancer and reverse the visible signs of aging. All that from a single mug of tea? It sounds too good to be true, but science is on your side, so sip away!

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Jump Up And Down
The best metabolism boosters are the ones that raise your body’s calorie burning rate for hours and hours. This is why cardiovascular exercises are some of the best metabolism boosters known to man. Getting in a good cardio workout not only burns lots of calories while you’re in action, it can actually raise your body’s metabolic rate for up to four hours after you’re done! Even if you can’t take a whole hour or half hour out of your day to hit the treadmill, you can still get your heart rate up enough to make a big difference in your metabolism. Every single time you jump up and down, you’re waking up the metabolism boosters in your system, and the effects will pay off when you step onto the scale. If you can, try to slip in a few minutes of cardiovascular activity every hour or two throughout your day. That way, as soon as your metabolism starts to slow down, you’ll give it another jolt of activity and boost it again! Jumping up and down for even just sixty or ninety seconds per hour will keep your metabolism running at a higher speed all day long. There are lots of great reasons to get moving, but boosting your metabolism is one of the best, so get out of your chair and jump around!


  • You can calculate your basal metabolic rate based on age, weight, and height with Discovery Health’s free online BMR calculator.