Ways to Rent Designer Clothes Online

If you like dressing in designer clothing but can’t afford the high and often obscene prices, don’t fret. You can wear the name brand clothes that you love but at a much cheaper cost…if you rent them. If you’re going to something that you’ll be wearing designer clothes at anyway, you probably won’t want to be seen more then a few times in an outfit and that is why renting designer clothes could come in handy for you. There are several online companies that you can buy from. There are just a few things you need to keep in mind before renting from a company. This article will give you a few tips and a list of where you can rent designer clothes online.

How to Rent Designer Clothes Online #1: Make Sure the Company is Legit

Before you rent designer clothes from a company, make sure that they are legit. There are many fly by night companies that love to scam people so be sure that you’re not signing up with one. Look for reviews written online about the company and if you have friends or family that you know rent designer clothing, ask them where they rent at.

How to Rent Designer Clothes Online #2: Rent Versus Buy

If you are going to be renting a piece for several days and the cost ends up being what the dress would retail for or close to it, then why are you renting? Just buy the outfit outright. Don’t go into something thinking that it will save you money if you end up renting the same piece over and over again. Renting is good for those that want to spice on their wardrobe but not keep the pieces in the long run.

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How to Rent Designer Clothes Online #3: Shipping

Be sure to look over if the company charges shipping for the clothing. Some companies are so happy for your business that they’ll pay for shipping while others automatically include it in their renting prices. You don’t want to get saddled with high shipping prices if you can find a company that offers free or affordable shipping.

How to Rent Designer Clothes Online #4: Cleaning Fee

The companies that offer designer clothing for rent have to clean them before they send them to the next person. Some companies offer complimentary cleaning, others charge you $10 dollars while some may charge you much more then that. Beware of all the costs before you rent.

How to Rent Designer Clothes Online #5: Companies You Can Rent From

Wear Today, Gone Tomorrow is an online rental company that you can rent designer duds from. They list the price of what the item retails for, how much it will cost you to rent weekly and how much it will cost for cleaning. Prices start at $19 dollars per week but most pieces will cost you between $31 to $45 dollars to rent.

Rent the Runway is another company you can rent from but there is a waiting list. Even if you’re not sure that you want to rent from them, sign up right away so that you can someday rent from them if you choose to. Their company sounds like a good one if you’re not sure what size you wear. They send your dress in two sizes, one the size you ordered and another in a size up or down so you’re sure to end up with a perfect fitting dress.