Ways to Help Induce Your Labor Naturally

You’re well past your due date, but your baby has yet to make its arrival into the world. You feel like your body is as big as a barn, your back aches, your ankles are swollen, and you’re anxious to hold your newborn in your arms. Your doctor is talking about inducing labor. But, you’re unsure of the side effects the drugs will have on you and your baby. Sometimes, if your baby is actually ready to be born, you can help nature along. You just have to know some ways to help induce your labor naturally.

Note: Before you try any of these natural methods, you should consult your healthcare professional for his or her consent.

1. Walk, Walk, Walk
According to some experienced mothers, walking can help induce your labor naturally. Why? Because the motion of walking will move your hips from side to side. This motion will help move your baby into the right position so he or she can be born.

2. Have Sex
“What???” you’re probably hollering, “that’s what got me into this shape in the first place!” In order to induce your labor naturally, you need to start having contractions. Your male partner’s semen contains a hormone called Prostaglandins. Synthetic Prostaglandins are administered to women in order to induce labor. Plus, when a woman has sexual orgasms, her uterus contracts. Therefore, having sex can actually help induce your labor in two ways.

3. Take Castor Oil
Castor Oil is an age-old remedy for everything from constipation to an upset stomach. I know of a woman who swears that it can also help induce your labor naturally. Simply mix three or four teaspoons of Castor Oil in your favorite non-alcoholic drink. (This type of oil is available at your local drugstore.) Of course Castor Oil will clean your colon out. But, it’s supposed to also help you go into labor.

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4. Eat Labor Salad
I’m not sure how this can help you give birth, but, if you’re desperate, why not give it a whirl? Supposedly the Romaine and the vinegar are the “magic” labor inducing ingredients in this recipe: mix together a large salad of chopped Romaine lettuce, Watercress, and Red Cabbage. For the dressing, mix together an ounce of Balsamic Vinegar and three ounces of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Sprinkle the dressing across the Labor Salad, add a handful of chopped parsley, and dig in!

5. Massage Your Belly
My maternal grandmother always advised that, in order to cure constipation, you should rub your abdomen several times a day. She also said that rubbing or massaging your pregnant stomach can help induce labor naturally. For a smoother rub, dab a little petroleum jelly or place a couple drops of natural lavender or lemon oil on your hand before you begin your massage.

6. Perform Acupressure
There are two pressure points on a woman’s body that are said to help start contractions and induce labor naturally. The first point is located in the webbing between your thumb and your forefinger. Use your other thumb and forefinger to press down firmly in this webbing. When the right spot is hit, you should feel a uterine contraction. Let up until the contraction stops. Then, press down firmly on the same spot again.

The second pressure point is located above the inside of your ankle, four fingers up from the the bone. Find your ankle bone, then lay four fingers above it. This should be the spot. Press down firmly until you feel a uterine contraction. Wait until the contraction stops. Then, press down firmly on the same spot again.

See also  Natural Methods of Labor Induction