Stimulating Hair Growth with 3 Natural Remedies and 5 Simple Tips

Many people take care of their hair and do everything to make it healthy and shiny. They use shampoos that are perfect for their hair needs, special conditioners, hot oil treatments, and other hair treatments to make sure that their hair always looks good. However, for some people, the problem is different and more difficult to treat. Some people experience hair loss even before they reach the age of 40. If you are one of these people who are starting to go bald or if you just want to have longer hair fast, you should try some natural hair growth remedies to stimulate faster hair growth.

Natural treatments for hair growth are better than chemical treatments. Chemicals can be harmful to your scalp or skin. Some may even react negatively to other chemicals on your body. Others also cause allergic reactions. Aside from these, chemical treatments are also usually more expensive than natural remedies. These are some of the reasons why you should try to use natural treatments instead of chemical products as much as possible.

To give you some tips and ideas about natural hair growth remedies to stimulate faster hair growth, you should check out the paragraphs below.

– One of the easiest and simplest natural hair growth remedies that you can find in your kitchen is the apple cider vinegar. Who would have thought that this cooking ingredient can help you grow your hair quickly? This vinegar is extracted from seedless apples and does not undergo distillation. Because of this, the important mineral and enzymes that can help you grow your hair are not lost. You should apply a cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with 1 ½ cups of water on your scalp to remove bacteria and dead skin cells that block the pores where hair grows. You can do this in the shower, before you apply your regular shampoo and conditioner. Use the mixture like a shampoo, massaging your scalp for a couple of minutes and rinsing off the mixture from your hair.

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– Another cooking ingredient that you can easily find in your kitchen is olive oil. Olive oil has been used by ancient people in Greece as skin moisturizer. They bathe in olive oil to have smooth and supple skin. You can also use this for faster hair growth. Apply olive oil on your hair and scalp and massage for a few minutes. You should do this before going to sleep. Cover your head with a shower cap. Upon waking up, remove the shower cup and rinse your hair to remove smell and traces of olive oil. You will notice how silky and shiny your hair becomes after doing this procedure.

– You can also try using flaxseed oil as one of the natural hair growth remedies to stimulate faster hair growth. Sometimes, hair does not grow because there is a problem in the circulation in your scalp. To treat this problem, you should apply flaxseed oil on your scalp and massage it on your scalp for 3 minutes or so. Leave it for 30 minutes to let your scalp absorb the flaxseed oil. Rinse and wash your hair afterwards.

5 Hair Growth Tips to Help You Speed Up Hair Growth

Having smooth and shiny long hair is what most women dream of. For some, this is not only a dream because they already have long flowing hair that looks as if it belongs to a shampoo commercial. For others, this still remains a dream. Many people have problems not only about their hair texture but also abut their hair length. For some reason, no matter how hard they try, their hair does not grow any longer. If you are one of these people who have the same problem, you should try some hair growth tips. Follow them and you will speed up your hair growth.

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Some tips that can help you grow your hair are very easy and simple. You can do them by just changing something in your lifestyle or by using some ingredients that you can easily find at home. You do not necessarily need to buy ultra expensive products or undergo costly treatments just to grow your hair. You can do it by yourself at home with just a few simple tips. Check out the list below for some useful and easy-to-do hair growth tips. Follow them and you will speed up your hair growth.

– One of the best things that you can do not just for your hair but also for your overall health condition is to stop smoking or at least cut back on your smoking. This is because smoking prevents hair growth by weakening your boy’s potential to grow hair. Aside from cigarettes, you should also stop drinking or cut back on coffee, cola, or other caffeinated or carbonated drinks that have the same negative effects on your hair growth as smoking.

– Another way to help you grow your hair at a faster rate is to have a balanced diet. This might sound like a cliché especially in topics that talk about health but many people still fail to do this. Treating the problem from within should be the first thing that you should do. As much as possible, try to avoid foods that have a high sugar or fat content.

– Try not to put your hair under too much stress. Hair can also get stressed like when you use hot water while taking a shower or bath, hair dryers, curling iron, and other hair tools and treatments that can damage your hair and affect its growth negatively.

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– When brushing or combing your hair, do it gently. Do not attack your hair with a brush or a comb as if your hair is your enemy. Avoid excessive brushing or styling that can damage your hair and prevent it from growing. It is okay to have a slightly messy hair from time to time than to have hair that won’t grow or no hair at all.

– It is important to take enough rest and have enough sleep to also allow the hair to rest. If your body is relaxed property, it will be able to do its daily processes more efficiently, including hair growth.

These are some very easy yet effective hair growth tips. Follow them and you will speed up your hair growth in no time.

Source: Hair growing products