Water Aerobics: A Fat Girls Guide to Taking the Plunge

One of my clients, who has Downs Syndrome, needed to find an exercise program that would help her become fit without hurting her joints. We looked into water aerobics as an option for her. As her staff I would need to assist her while in the water and I went into a blind panic once we received the go ahead from her physician.

I had to do the one thing I avoided for 15 years, shop for a swimsuit. I was not happy. Did they even make a suit in my size? I was hoping not as I had a vision of bouncing bikinis and for some reason Jane Fonda was teaching the class.

After talking myself out of Hari Kari in the middle of a local department store, a woman suggested I try a specialty swimsuit store that sells only suits that are made for use in chlorinated pools and had full figured sizes. I thanked her after I got over the urge to shove her size 10 suit down her throat.

Yes they really do make swimsuits that will fit a 214 lb woman, as well as a variety of other sizes. I can’t tell you how it looked, as I tried it on with my eyes closed but was told it was full figure flattering. All of the suits there are made for use within pools and I was told my suit would last me for at least a year. For the price I paid, it had better last me till my youngest goes off to collage and he was 7 years old at the time.

Before you run away screaming, here are some are a few facts about the benefits of Water Aerobics. It made me hold off from bolting out the door.

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· Over weight people can do more types of movements while within the pool then they can on dry land. All with out the stress on the joints as the water helps support you.

· You are giving you heart a cardiovascular work out and with a good routine it will work every major muscle within your body.

·. The lifeguards don’t like that and the whistle will only draw attention. Yes, this is from a personal experience.

I have to admit that there was no bikini-clad people waiting for class to begin and Jane Fonda was nowhere in sight. Those who where there stood proudly waiting with water weights and water bottles in hand. Many people will wrap towels around them self on the way out and will do this until they feel more comfortable about venturing out in just a swimsuit. Usually by the second class they strut around towel-less. It’s hard to believe but by class #2 both my client and myself did.

Here are a few pointers to keep in mind.
· Do not be surprised at the variety of people that go to water aerobics. They will come in all shapes, sizes and ages.

·. The size of the person next to you has nothing to do with their fitness level and you will be left in their dust at first. Just start at the fitness level you are at right now and no matter what keep moving.

·! Just set it on the side of the pool, in “your” spot, so you can grab it.

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· You will sweat in the pool. This shocked me at first. If you don’t like water splashed on your face, you may need to bring a towel to wipe off your forehead.

· If you can talk and hold a conversation with your pool neighbor for most of the class, you probably need to kick up the effort. You will only get out of water aerobics what you put into it, just like any other form of exercise.

· Do ask questions and don’t be afraid of the instructor. He or she will show you the proper form for a particular move and ensure your safety. They want you to not only enjoy the class but to also be safe.

· Do look to your classmates for an idea as to what to grab for class. If they grab water weights or a noodle (a floatation device that looks like a long noodle) grab one too. There is nothing worse then having to leave the pool to get needed supplies. The class will not wait and you will be playing catch up.

The instructor will encourage you to go at your own pace as far as intensity, but you will be expected to keep moving. Often they give you a move that will keep you heart rate up but will be less intense compared to what the rest of the class is doing. Not being able to keep up with the rest of the class when you first start is normal, but keep trying. Everyone there had to start at the level that was right for them and you are no different

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Physical Fitness is a process and needs to be built up. Water aerobics is a great way to add to your fitness routine with minimal stress to your body, no matter your size and fitness level.

The benefits of water aerobics will spill over to other areas in your life. You will notice that your endurance for other activities will be greatly increased and you will feel energized and sleep more soundly. You will not only lose weight faster, but also you will notice that you are becoming firmer and building muscle, so say bye-bye to the flying flab! By having more muscle you will burn even more fat and calories, with out even trying and look fabulous in no time!

So take the plunge and jump on into water aerobics and get ready to actually want to put on a swimsuit! You won’t regret it I promise!
